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Re: Timing runs for the last part of my previous post

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg62075] Re: Timing runs for the last part of my previous post
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnewsciv at>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 02:52:05 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 11/9/05 at 3:46 AM, anonmous69 at (Matt) wrote:

>After I posted my earlier message (the one entitled "'Good' or
>'Proper' Mathematica coding habits question"), I decided to try
>some timings for the last code sample I had a question on (the one
>trying to extract all sublists where each element of a sublist had
>to be negative).  Here's what I found:

>This table was generated, then used for all the approaches: values
>= Table[{Random[Real, {-2, 2}] i, Random[Real, {-2, 2}] i}, {i, 1,

>Approach #1:

>testFuncOne[] := Module[{negElems = {}},
>      (If[Negative[#[[1]]] &&
>      Negative[#[[2]]], negElems = {negElems, #}]) & /@ values;
>      StandardForm[Partition[Flatten[negElems], 2]];
>      ];


>The results obtained were 13.625, 12.812, and 19.11 Seconds.  So,
>it appears that of the methods I tried, that Approach 2 is
>marginally better than Approach 1, and both Approach 1 and Approach
>2 are better than Approach 3.  Is it correct to assume from this
>that Fold will almost always be better than Map, given that other
>potential variants are kept similar?  Or, because the difference is
>so small, that for most applications, I should go with whatever
>approach is quicker to 'code up'?

FWIW, on my machine

In[74]:=Timing[Do[testFuncOne[], {1000}]][[1]]


func[values_] := Select[values, Sign[#1] == {-1, -1} &]

Timing[Do[func[values], {1000}]][[1]]

a factor of 2 improvement. And I would argue, using Select results in simpler more readable code.

Somewhat faster using Cases and pattern matching is:

patternFunc[values_] := 
  Cases[values,{_?(#<0&), _?(#<0&)}]

Timing[Do[patternFunc[values], {1000}]; ][[1]]
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