Re: Tilting at Windmills?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg62118] Re: Tilting at Windmills?
- From: "Jens-Peer Kuska" <kuska at>
- Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 03:31:15 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: Uni Leipzig
- References: <dl1jta$1m$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi, that are very complicated functions to do myFunct[lst_] := Partition[ {lst[[1]], Sequence @@ Flatten[({#, #, #, #} ) & /@ Rest[Most[lst]]], lst[[-1]]}, 2] and it seems that it is quite slow compared with testList = Range[200000]; Timing[myFunct[testList]] // First 0.375 Second Regards Jens "Matt" <anonmous69 at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:dl1jta$1m$1 at | Hello, | Where there's a chance of success, I tend to agonize over details of | implementation. Memory usage is one such area. Here is a statement of | a problem I was trying to solve in Mathematica: | | Given a list of the following form:{x1,x2,x3,...,xn-1,xn} I want to | develop an algorithm that will iterate over the input list to produce | output of the following | form:{x1,x2,x2,x2,x2,x3,x3,x3,x3,x4,x4,x4,x4,x5,...,xn-2,xn-1,xn-1,xn-1,xn-1,xn} | which will then need to be partitioned to end up in the following form: | {{x1,x2},{x2,x2},{x2,x3},{x3,x3},{x3,x4},{x4,x4},{x4,x5},...,{xn-2,xn-1},{xn-1,xn-1},{xn-1,xn}} | which means that if I had a flattened list of length'n' as input, then | the new flattened list would have a length of 4*(n-2)+2 | | Here is my first solution to this problem, along with a test harness | for validation: | | Clear[createListOfListsForCobwebTypePlot,testRun]; | createListOfListsForCobwebTypePlot[x:(_List?((Length[#]>0&&Depth[#]\[Equal]2)&)),debugOn:(_?(#\[Element]Booleans&)):False]:=Module[{tempList={},lengthOfInList,retLength,ret},If[debugOn\[Equal]True, | lengthOfInList=Length[x]; | Print["Length of input list: ",lengthOfInList] | ]; | (tempList={tempList,#,#,#,#})&/@x; | If[debugOn\[Equal]True, | Print["Out list before flattening: ",tempList] | ]; | ret=Delete[Flatten[tempList],{{1},{2},{3},{-3},{-2},{-1}}]; | If[debugOn\[Equal]True, | retLength=Length[ret]; | Print["Length of out list: ",retLength]; | Print["Out list length equal to 4(n-2) + | 2?\n",retLength\[Equal]4 (lengthOfInList-2)+2] | ]; | Partition[ret,2] | ]; | testRun[debugOn:(_?(#\[Element]Booleans&)):False]:=Module[{testList},testList=Range[20]; | Print[createListOfListsForCobwebTypePlot[testList,debugOn]];]; | testRun[True] | | Although it seems to work just fine, I'm not satisfied with it because | of this line: | (tempList={tempList,#,#,#,#})&/@x; | | It seems very bad to me to keep creating a new list of objects as more | elements are added, i.e. in C or C++ I would allocate the appropriate | amount of memory up front, and then fill the 'slots'. One list, one | memory allocation. So, I thought to myself about how I might | 'allocate' or 'reserve' memory up front in Mathematica. What I figured to do, | was to generate a table object with enough elements (with dummy values) | up front and then use the object[[n]]=newValue paradigm to replace the | dummy value with a real value. That way, there's only one list | allocated up front. Because my input list was going to contain | elements all with a head of Integer, I decided to create the dummy | table with Integer elements. If my experiment proved fruitful, I would | have modified it to contend with other atomic types as appropriate. | Here is what my modified and 'streamlined' function along with its | accompanying test harness is: | | Clear[createListOfListsForCobwebTypePlotAlt,testRun]; | createListOfListsForCobwebTypePlotAlt[x:(_List?((Length[#]>0&&Depth[#]==2)&)),debugOn:(_?(#\[Element]Booleans&)):False]:=Module[{tempList={},lengthOfInList,allocLength,allocList,index=1,retLength,ret}, | lengthOfInList=Length[x]; | allocLength=4 lengthOfInList; | allocList=Table[11,{allocLength}]; | If[debugOn\[Equal]True, | Print["Length of input list: ",lengthOfInList]; | Print["Length of allocList: ",allocLength] | ]; | | Fold[(allocList[[#1]]=#2;allocList[[#1+1]]=#2;allocList[[#1+2]]=#2;allocList[[#1+3]]=#2;#1+4)&,index,x]; | ret=Delete[allocList,{{1},{2},{3},{-3},{-2},{-1}}]; | If[debugOn\[Equal]True, | retLength=Length[ret]; | Print["Length of out list: ",retLength]; | Print["Out list length equal to 4(n-2) + | 2?\n",retLength\[Equal]4 (lengthOfInList-2)+2]; | ]; | Partition[ret,2] | ]; | testRun[debugOn:(_?(#\[Element]Booleans&)):False]:=Module[{testList},testList=Range[20]; | Print[createListOfListsForCobwebTypePlotAlt[testList,debugOn]];]; | testRun[True] | | This produces identical results as the previous solution. Now, for the | test: | | testList=Range[200000]; | Timing[Do[createListOfListsForCobwebTypePlot[testList], {1}]][[1]] | Timing[Do[createListOfListsForCobwebTypePlotAlt[testList], {1}]][[1]] | | With results of | 1.078 Second | 2.109 Second | | much to my chagrin. You may be wondering why I'm doing this. The | reason is that I want to learn and establish proper Mathematica discipline with | primitive operations such as this, so that I don't have to break bad | habits later. I have a feeling the answer is going to be something | along the lines of: "There's not much you can do about it, and in fact | there really is no memory allocation schemes that you can take | advantage of in Mathematica." If that's the case, I'm fine with that. I just | want to be sure is all. | | Thanks, | | Matt |