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problems with typesetting in packages

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg62441] problems with typesetting in packages
  • From: "Hannes Kessler" <HannesKessler at>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 06:33:41 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear Mathematica experts,

the following problem: Mathematica's typesetting capabilities are nice
in notebooks to improve the readability of equations (powers in
supscript-notation etc.). However, when one saves such a notebook as a
Mathematica-package, all the typesetting information is saved also. In
the package, which is essentially just an ASCII-file, the typesetting
information is useless and sometimes creates errors. At best, it makes
it very hard to read the package using a text editor. Here is an
example, how x^3 entered in supscript notation into the initialization
cell of a Mathematica notebook looks in the package:


Upon creating larger packages, Mathematica apparently sometimes does
not balance the parentheses correctly: Reading such a package back to a
notebook, Mathematica complains on syntax errors. I had no choice than
to rewrite all nicely typesetted formulas in the original notebook in
plain Mathematica syntax without any typesetting and to save the
package again.

Now my question: Is it possible to use typesetting in the Mathematica
notebook on one hand, and to save it to a package without any
typesetting information on the other hand?

Thanks for any advice.

Hannes Kessler

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