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Re: Avoiding divide by zero error in NDSolve

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg62463] Re: Avoiding divide by zero error in NDSolve
  • From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 02:25:02 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <dm49jj$sul$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

pradeep suresh schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I am having this problem of mathematica not letting me specify the exact 
> intial values to a differential equation set. a simple example follws
> Simple Mass Balance Equation set in Chemical Systems.
> Nsp = 5;
> k1 = 100;
> For[i = 1, i < (Nsp + 1), i++, k2[i] = k1/Nsp];
> eqn1 = {D[M[t], t] == k1, M[0] == 0};
> eqn2 = Table[{D[M[t]y[i][t], t] == k2[i],y[i][0] ==k2[i]/k1},{i,Nsp}];
> var1 = Table[y[i][t], {i, Nsp}];
> var2 = Join[{M}, var1];
> sol=NDSolve[{eqn1,eqn2},var2,{t,0,10}]
> Mathematica refuses to solve this system showing error messages of 
> encountering 1/0. If i change the initial condition of M to some 
> arbitrary nonzero value, it is able to solve this system although now 
> the set of equations are practically meaningless for me. Is there any 
> way i can retain the meaning of my equations and still get them solved 
> by mathematica? Plz advice!
> Thanks & Happy thanksgiving,
> Pradeep
Hi Pradeep,

eqn1 determines m as m[t]=k1 t. Substituting this into eqn2 leaves you 
with _very_ simple equations:
nsp = 5; k1 = 100;
Do[k2[i] = k1/nsp, {i, nsp}];
msol = DSolve[{m'[t] == k1, m[0] == 0}, m, t][[1]]
{m -> Function[{t}, 100*t]}
eqn2 = Simplify[Flatten[
   {m'[t]*y[#][t]==k2[#], y[#][0]==k2[#]/k1}& /@ Range[nsp]] /. msol]
{5*y[1][t] == 1, 5*y[1][0] == 1,
  5*y[2][t] == 1, 5*y[2][0] == 1,
  5*y[3][t] == 1, 5*y[3][0] == 1,
  5*y[4][t] == 1, 5*y[4][0] == 1,
  5*y[5][t] == 1, 5*y[5][0] == 1}

so y[i][t]==1/5, i=1..5


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