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Re: Problems with brackets when exporting postscript

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg62509] Re: [mg62482] Problems with brackets when exporting postscript
  • From: Bruce Miller <brucem at>
  • Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 02:47:09 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On Fri, Nov 25, 2005 at 02:25:50AM -0500, spindoctor71 at wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem with mathematica 4.0 for students. I create a contour
> plot in which I have the axes titles of the form 'Energy (eV)' and
> 'Momentum (au)' using Arial as the font. When I export this as an eps
> the brackets become a very large H for the left bracket and an L for
> the right bracket (viewed in ghost viewer). If I copy and paste the image
> into word or something as a wmf it prints out fine on small format
> printer (A4) but reverts back to the H and L when printed on a large
> format printer (A0). I am guessing this is a problem with the
> postscript somewhere. Has anyone had this problem and solved it or can suggest a
> work-around.
> Cheers
> Michael



In the A4 case, the printer driver has access to the Mathematica fonts 
and in the A0 case it does not.  Similarly, GhostView needs help to 
access them. 

The nearly same question was answered on MathGroup recently.]
Subject: [mg62509] [mg62238] Re: [mg62220] mathematica2mono
From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
To: mathgroup at
Reply-To: jfultz at

We use our own fonts because we want the parentheses to display
consistently whether they're being displayed at normal height, as in your
example, or whether they're being stretched vertically (and similarly for
brackets and curly braces).

But the behavior is easy to turn off.  Choose Format->Option Inspector...,
set the scope to global, and look for the "OperatorSubstitution" option.
Set it to False.  Then re-evaluate the graphics-producing commands, and
re-run the Export[] command again.

If that is not available in 4.0, there is an old Tech Support 
FAQ that does what you need. 

One can also embed the needed Mathematica fonts in the EPS file. 


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