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Re: Why am I getting this error?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg60366] Re: Why am I getting this error?
  • From: Jean-Marc Gulliet <jeanmarc.gulliet at>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 03:27:33 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.
  • References: <dg69s7$a9j$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

ksmath wrote:
> I am attempting to solve a system with 3 pde's and I keep getting this error even though I think all of my equations have independent variables:
> NDSolve::dvnoarg: The function v appears with no arguments.
> If anyone could find the mistake in my code I would really appreciate it.  C,V, and R are the dependent variables, and t (time) and x(distance-does not depend on time) are the independent variables.  All other variables are constants.
> Thank you for any assistance you can provide me.
> \!\(\(rRHS\  = \ \(d\_r\) D[r[t, 
>       x], {x, 2}] + β \((1 - \((r[t, x] - r\_base)\)/\((k\_r - 
>         r\_base)\))\) \((r[t, x] - r\_base)\);\)\[IndentingNewLine]
>   \(vRHS\  = \ \(d\_v\) D[v[t, x], {x, 2}] - Ï?\ v[t, x]\  - 
>             η\ v[t, x]\ c[t, x]/\((γ\_1 + v[t, x])\) + If[
>     q\_large < q\_min, λ \((q\_large - q\_min)\), 0];\)\[IndentingNewLine]
>   \(\(cRHS\  = \ D[c[t, x]\ v[t, x]\ D[v[t, x], x], x] + If[v[
>         t, x] â?¥ v\_g, Ï?\ v[t, x]\ c[t, 
>         x]\ /\((γ\_2 + 
>             v[t, x])\), Ï? \((v[t, x] - 
>               v\_d)\) c[t, x]];\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)
>   \)\[IndentingNewLine]
>   \(reqn\  = D[r[t, x], t]\  == \ rRHS;\)\[IndentingNewLine]
>   \(veqn\  = \ D[v[t, x], t]\  == \ vRHS;\)\[IndentingNewLine]
>   \(ceqn\  = \ D[c[t, x], t]\  == \ cRHS;\)\)
> BC1 = Derivative[0, 1][r][t, 0] == 0;
> BC2 = Derivative[0, 1][r][t, 1] == 0;
> BC3 = Derivative[0, 1][v][t, 0] == 0;
> BC4 = Derivative[0, 1][v][t, 1] == 0;
> BC5 = c[t, 0] == 1;
> BC6 = c[t, 1] v[t, 1] Derivative[0, 1][v][t, 1] == 0;
> \!\(\(c\_init = \(c\_o\) Exp \((\(-150\) x\^2)\) == c[0, 
>           x];\)\[IndentingNewLine]
>   \(r\_init = \((K\_r - 
>           r\_base)\) Exp \((\(-100\) x\^2)\) + r\_base == r[0, x];\)\
> \[IndentingNewLine]
>   \(v\_init = \((v\_g - v\_d)\)/\((2  v\_o)\) == v[0, x];\)\)
> \!\(\(solution\  = \ NDSolve[{reqn, \ veqn, \ ceqn, q1\_i,
>          q2\_i, \ c\_init, \ v\_init, \ 
>           r\_init, \ BC1, \ BC2, \ BC3, \ BC4, \ BC5, \ BC6}, {r[t, x], v[t, 
>           x], c[t, x], q1[t, x], q2[t, x]}, {t, 0, 1}, {x, 0, 1}];\)\)
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Katie
Hi Katie,

By default, Mathematica does not recognized subscripted variables as 
symbols but as more complex constructions. Say we want to solve the 
following ODE. Note that we are using two subscripted variables y_0 and 

eqn = Derivative[1][y][t] ==
    (-p)*(y[t] - Subscript[y, air])

Derivative[1][y][t] == (-p)*(-Subscript[y, air] +

Here, everything looks fine. However, when we try to solve the ODE with 
initial value y{0} == y_0

sols = DSolve[{eqn, y[0] == Subscript[y, 0]}, y, t]

 From In[2]:=
DSolve::dvnoarg: The function y appears with no arguments. More...

DSolve[{Derivative[1][y][t] ==
     (-p)*(-Subscript[y, air] + y[t]),
    y[0] == Subscript[y, 0]}, y, t]

Mathematica complains about the function y that is supposed to be called 
with no arguement. In fact, a mixed up in the interpretation of symbols 
and subscripts occurred. To fix this issue, you must use the *Notation* 
package and _from the notation palette_ use the function *Symbolize* to 
transform subscripted names into symbols. See the following example




eqn = Derivative[1][y][t] ==
    (-p)*(y[t] - y\[UnderBracket]Subscript\[UnderBracket]air)

Derivative[1][y][t] == (-p)*(-y\[UnderBracket]Subscript\[UnderBracket]air +

sols = DSolve[{eqn, y[0] == y\[UnderBracket]Subscript\[UnderBracket]0}, 
y, t]

{{y -> Function[{t}, (y\[UnderBracket]Subscript\[UnderBracket]0 -
        y\[UnderBracket]Subscript\[UnderBracket]air + E^(p*t)*

Hope this helps,

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