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Re: Batch

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg60421] Re: Batch
  • From: Torsten Coym <torsten.coym at>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 03:49:00 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (
  • References: <> <dg8l4h$r21$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I see your point here. I came across the very same problem during my
last project. Besides, I copied the routine into several cells, each
enclosed with With[] statement, where I set some constants - which was
in fact the only difference between the routines...
Since I had to process files,that eventually generated other files as
their output, I wrote a function processFile[file_String] that did that
for one file and then used  FileNames[] to create a list conatining all
files to be processed. I mapped processFile[] over that list, like:

processFile[name_String] := Module[{N, n, M, q, p,str},
p = 1; {N, n, M} = ToExpression /@ Take[StringSplit[name,
        {"N", "n", "M", "."}], 3];
str = StringSplit[Import[name, "Text"]];
q = ToExpression[str[[2]]];


or something like that.

Hope that helps, although its not quite the same as what you're actually
looking for.


Maria Cristina Dias Tavares wrote:
> Hi,
>     I need to run a batch in Mathematica, so that I read data from 
> several files and execute the calculations and generate the graphics. 
> Then I read another group of data and perform the same calculation and 
> that goes on until the data finish.
>     I just manage to do this by putting all the calculation in a single 
> cell, inside a Do. My cases are rather large, I am dealing with 
> experimental data and I have to manipulate files with 1,000,000 points. 
> I cannot just read all of them at once and start the calculus.
>     My first go was to separate the calculations in notebooks and one nb 
> called the next one. The first notebook called the following without a 
> problem, but it did not evaluate it. I had to do it manually. And I have 
> around 100 cases to analyse. I really need to automatize the procedure.
>     Thanks all.

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