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"layering" 2d plots

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg60568] "layering" 2d plots
  • From: Curtis Osterhoudt <gardyloo at>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 05:20:02 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi, all, 

    I have a question about the ability to show 2D graphics in a pseudo
3D way.

    I have produced a series of 2D plots, each of some system with some
parameter changed slightly (this is experimental data. To forestall
questions along the lines of "why don't you sample the function in a
different way", I'll say that it's not possible yet. In addition, it'd
just be nice to see if this -- proposed --  way is possible in
practice). Although making an animation with the plots one after another
is possible, I think it'd be a bit easier to see what's going on if I
could "stack" each plot on top of the others, but with perspective shown.

    *     Can I take a 2D plot, either an imported picture or a
      Mathematica ArrayPlot or something similar, and show it in "3D",
      in which the plot looks like a sheet of paper viewed from some
      oblique angle, foreshortened appropriately?  I think this is the
      sticking point of the whole exercise.
    *     If the answer to the previous question is "yes", then how
      would I stack several of these atop each other, so that trends
      along the "stack axis" become apparent? Of course, some space
      between each "sheet" would have to be given, so that the viewer
      can look at (most of, depending on degree of overlap of the sheets
      and viewpoint) each 2D dataset.
    *     Do others have need of a similar method of viewing data?
      Should I submit a request for such an ability to Wolfram?
    *     Are there (hopefully opensource like gnuplot, but, e.g. Origin
      is an acceptable answer) plotting routines which already do what
      I'm trying to achieve?

           Regards, and thanks,
                     Curtis O.

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