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Re: Re: Finding the Number of Pythagorean Triples below a bound

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg68469] Re: [mg68345] Re: Finding the Number of Pythagorean Triples below a bound
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 02:57:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <eaeqa3$53v$><> <eakfgm$rl6$> <> <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 5 Aug 2006, at 22:32, danl at wrote:

>> Hello all,
>> My thanks to Peter and Andrzej, as well as those who privately  
>> emailed
>> me.
>> To recall, the problem was counting the number of solutions to a
>> bivariate polynomial equal to a square,
>> Poly(a,b) = c^2
>> One form that interested me was the Pythagorean-like equation:
>> a^2 + b^2 = c^2 + k
>> for {a,b} a positive integer, 0<a<=b, and k any small integer. I was
>> wondering about the density of solutions to this since I knew in the
>> special case of k=0, let S(N) be the number of primitive solutions  
>> with
>> c < N, then S(N)/N = 1/(2pi) as N -> inf.
>> For k a squarefree integer, it is convenient that any solution is  
>> also
>> primitive. I used a simple code that allowed me to find S(10^m) with
>> m=1,2,3 for small values of k (for m=4 took my code more than 30 mins
>> so I aborted it). The data is given below:
>> Note: Values are total S(N) for *both* k & -k:
>> k = 2
>> S(N) = 4, 30, 283
>> k = 3
>> S(N) = 3, 41, 410
>> k = 5
>> S(N) = 3, 43, 426
>> k = 6
>> S(N) = 3, 36, 351
>> Question: Does S(N)/N for these also converge? For example, for the
>> particular case of k = -6, we have
>> S(N) = 2, 20, 202
>> which looks suspiciously like the ratio might be converging.
>> Anybody know of a code for this that can find m=4,5,6 in a reasonable
>> amount of time?
>> Yours,
>> Titus
> Having been involved in some of the private email I have a bit of an
> advantage.
> I'd say up to 10^6 or maybe 10^7 the way to go is by looking at the
> factorization of c2=c^2+k. This way you only need iterate over c.  
> Also as
> Andrzej Kozlowski pointed out, one can remove from consideration  
> all c2
> for which, after removing factors of 2, the remaining odd is 3  
> modulo 4. I
> use a prescan to enforce that if factors of 3,7, or 11 are present  
> then so
> are their squares (note: I did not check whether this helps for  
> speed but
> I suspect it does for large n). The full FactorInteger check  
> enforces that
> any factor equal to 3 mod 4 appears to even degree. After that I  
> punt to
> NumberTheory`NumberTheoryFunctions` to use
> OrderedSumOfSquaresRepresentations. Finally, I found it faster to  
> use this
> on c2 with powers of 2 removed. One can show this gives the correct
> result.
> countTriples[m_, k_] := Module[
>     {c2, c2odd, total = 0, fax, add, g},
>     Do[
>       c2 = c^2 + k;
>       If[c2 < 5, Continue[]];
>       c2odd = c2;
>       While[EvenQ[c2odd], c2odd /= 2];
>       If[Mod[c2odd, 4] == 3, Continue[]];
>       g = GCD[c2odd, 231];
>       If[g ª­ 1 && g^2 ª­ GCD[c2odd, 53361], Continue[]];
>       fax = Mod[FactorInteger[c2odd], 4];
>       If[Apply[Or, Map[#[[1]] == 3 && OddQ[#[[2]]] &, fax]],  
> Continue[]];
>       add = OrderedSumOfSquaresRepresentations[2, c2odd];
>       total += Length[add];
>       , {c, 1, m - 1}];
>     total]
> Quick test for agreement with your results:
> In[96]:=countTriples[10^3,-5]+countTriples[10^3,5]
> Out[96]=426
> Here are some timings.
> In[54]:=Timing[countTriples[10^4,3]]
> Out[54]={0.591 Second,1154}
> In[93]:=Timing[countTriples[10^5,3]]
> Out[93]={8.562 Second,12115}
> In[95]:=Timing[countTriples[10^5,2]]
> Out[95]={24.054 Second,9912}
> In[94]:=Timing[countTriples[10^6,3]]
> Out[94]={131.91 Second,121054}
> I would think it will handle 10^7 reasonably well (maybe an hour or  
> two).
> But that depends on notgetting bogged in too many relatively expensive
> factorizations.
> As I noted in email, I would not be surprised if there are further
> improvements, maybe by avoiding the OrderedSumOfSquaresRepresentations
> usage.
> Daniel Lichtblau
> Wolfram Research

Congratulations, this is rather spectacular, I think.

I have to confess, I was very sceptical about the prospects of this  
method; now I think it was because I forgot how much good mathematics  
has gone into making FactorInteger as fast as it is!
Actually, it is vastly faster not only than my compiled code but also  
than the C code that can be found here:
Which only goes to show, what all of us here have always known  
anyway ;-) namely,  that to solve mathematical problems it is better  
to use mathematical methods and Mathematica than general purpose  
programming languages like C.

Andrzej Kozlowski

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