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Re: A serious error?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg71914] Re: [mg71888] A serious error?
  • From: "Chris Chiasson" <chris at>
  • Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 06:26:48 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>

On 12/2/06, Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at> wrote:
> Thanks. I have had a quick look at the documentation and it seems
> interesting. But it doesn't look like it would have helped with a
> system related problem. In fact, of coruse, I have a backup of my
> entire system on an external hard drive (even two on two external
> drives). Unfortunately these are huge disks so if I have to erase my
> internal hard disk and restore everything from one from the backup
> disks, it will take ages. Actually I only want to replace system
> files and most of the space is occupied by documents and
> applications, but it seems just to complicated to replace only system
> files under Unix (in the good old days of classic Mac OS it was a
> breeze ... In fact I remember the days when it was enough to replace
> just two files and you had a brand new operating system). So at the
> moment I am hoping that somebody will come up with an idea that goes
> like this: "just delete the file _FileName_ in directory
> _DirectoryName_.." . For the time being I am using Mathematica 5.0
> and have to reboot into my external hard drive if I really need to
> work in 5.1.

Actually, when I mentioned revision control via a repository, I was
thinking about when you mentioned that you would loose some data if
you had to restore from backup.

Another idea (to prevent you from loosing data) is to overwrite your
documents and other files on the backup with what you have today. Then
you could restore from the backup and all your files would still be
there. Of course, it would take a few hours, and it brings with it the
possibility that you might bring the Mathematica startup problem to
the presently working copy.


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