Re: FullSimplify and HypergeometricPFQ
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg72078] Re: FullSimplify and HypergeometricPFQ
- From: "dimitris" <dimmechan at>
- Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 04:54:51 -0500 (EST)
- References: <ele6ht$rlg$><elglfo$h5a$>
I think someone else will be more helpful but I still believe that it is very hard for someone with no special knowledge of Computer Science to understand what is "going on" in the Trace outputs. You can make sense of some parts if you have the courage to see all the "mess" but for more things... Let's investigate something more down to earth than Hypergeometric's (I just have basic knowledge of them so I can't follow you in a email communication!); the solution of the cubic equation (see and and ) We will see the reduced cubic equation. The solution is provided by Cardan's formula and of course Mathematica knows it! Solve[x^3 + p*x + q == 0, x] Simplify[x^3 + p*x + q == 0 /. %%] {{x -> -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}} {True, True, True} Copy/paste the following in a notebook to see how the Vieta's method provides the roots of the cubic; that is we use Mathematica to do the hand job! When you will go to paste it choose Paste As->Formated Text. Then in the open dialogue box press Yes! Cell[BoxData[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"$PrePrint", "=", "TraditionalForm"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"SetOptions", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"SelectedNotebook", "[", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"StyleDefinitions", "->", "\"\<DemoText.nb\>\""}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Clear", "[", "\"\<Global`*\>\"", "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Off", "[", RowBox[{"N", "::", "meprec"}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Off", "[", RowBox[{"General", "::", "spell1"}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<creation of a general cubic equation\>\"", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Plus", "@@", RowBox[{"Table", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "i"], SuperscriptBox["z", "i"]}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"i", ",", "0", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "\[Equal]", "0"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<set \!\(a\_3\)\[Congruent]1, a generic cubic equation\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"gencub", "=", RowBox[{"%", "/.", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "3"], "\[Rule]", "1"}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<set z\[Congruent]y-\[Lambda] \>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"%", "/.", RowBox[{"z", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"y", "-", "\[Lambda]"}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<expand last equation\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"Expand", "/@", "%"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<collect the terms\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Collect", "[", RowBox[{"#", ",", "y"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", "%"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<coefficient of the quadratic term\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Coefficient", "[", RowBox[{"#", ",", SuperscriptBox["y", "2"]}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", "%"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<this value eliminates the \!\(y\^2\) term\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"\[Lambda]val", "=", RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{"%", ",", "\[Lambda]"}], "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<substitution in the cubic equation in y of evaluated \[Lambda]\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"%%%", "/.", RowBox[{"%", "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<the reduced cubic equation\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"redcub", "=", RowBox[{"%", "/.", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["y", "3"], "+", RowBox[{"a_", " ", "y"}], "+", "b_"}], "\[Rule]", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["y", "3"], "+", RowBox[{"p", " ", "y"}], "+", "q"}]}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<set y\[Congruent]t+w/t\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"%", "/.", RowBox[{"y", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"t", "+", RowBox[{"w", "/", "t"}]}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<expand last equation\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"Expand", "/@", "%"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<multiply through by \!\(t\^3\)\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Expand", "[", RowBox[{"#", SuperscriptBox["t", "3"]}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", "%"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<collect the terms \[Implies] a sectic equation in t\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"sect", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Collect", "[", RowBox[{"#", ",", "t"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", "%"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<the coefficients of t in the sectic equation in increasing order\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"CoefficientList", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"%", "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",", "t"}], "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<the value w=-p/3 eliminates both the quadratic and the quartic term\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"MapIndexed", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"#2", "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], "-", "1"}], ",", RowBox[{"#1", "\[Equal]", "0"}]}], "}"}], "&"}], ",", "%"}], "]"}], "//", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"#", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"p", ">", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"q", ">", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"w", "\[NotEqual]", "0"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "&"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Cases", "[", RowBox[{"%", ",", "_Equal", ",", "2"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{"%", ",", "w"}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<substitution of w\[Congruent]-p/3 in the sextic equation in t\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"sect", "/.", RowBox[{"%", "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<set \!\(t\^3\)\[Congruent]x \[Implies] a quadratic equation in x\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"%", "/.", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["t", "n_."], "\[Rule]", SuperscriptBox["x", RowBox[{"n", "/", "3"}]]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<the roots by the qudratic formula\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{"%", ",", "x"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<rearrangement of the roots\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"%", "/.", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"a_", "\[Rule]", "b_"}], ")"}], "\[RuleDelayed]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"a", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"Expand", "[", "b", "]"}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"#", "/", SuperscriptBox["18", "2"]}], "&"}], ",", "%", ",", RowBox[{"{", "7", "}"}]}], "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<roots of the quadratic equation in x after rearrangement\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"solsx", "=", RowBox[{"%", "/.", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"a_", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"b_", "+", "c_"}]}], ")"}], "\[RuleDelayed]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"a", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"b", "+", RowBox[{"18", "c"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<solution of the equation \!\(t\^3\)=x in t\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["t", "3"], "\[Equal]", "x"}], ",", "t"}], "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", RowBox[{"\"\<substitution of the above determined roots for x in the last result \[Implies] \>\"", ",", " ", RowBox[{"StyleForm", "[", RowBox[{"\"\<superficially \>\"", ",", RowBox[{"FontSlant", "->", "Italic"}]}], "]"}], ",", "\"\<six roots for t\>\""}], "]"}], ";", " ", RowBox[{"solst", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"%", "/.", RowBox[{"solsx", "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"%", "/.", RowBox[{"solsx", "[", RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", RowBox[{"\"\<roots choosing the minus sign in \>\"", ",", RowBox[{"TraditionalForm", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", FractionBox["q", "2"]}], "\[PlusMinus]", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ SuperscriptBox["p", "3"], "27"], "+", FractionBox[ SuperscriptBox["q", "2"], "4"]}]]}], "]"}]}], "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"solstminus", "=", RowBox[{"solst", "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", RowBox[{"\"\<roots choosing the minus sign in \>\"", ",", RowBox[{"TraditionalForm", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", FractionBox["q", "2"]}], "\[PlusMinus]", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ SuperscriptBox["p", "3"], "27"], "+", FractionBox[ SuperscriptBox["q", "2"], "4"]}]]}], "]"}]}], "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"solstplus", "=", RowBox[{"solst", "[", RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<the roots in the form of the Solve output (i.e. as rules)\>\"", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", RowBox[{"\"\<roots choosing the minus sign in \>\"", ",", RowBox[{"TraditionalForm", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", FractionBox["q", "2"]}], "\[PlusMinus]", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ SuperscriptBox["p", "3"], "27"], "+", FractionBox[ SuperscriptBox["q", "2"], "4"]}]]}], "]"}]}], "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"solsyminus", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"y", "\[Rule]", "#"}], "}"}], "&"}], "/@", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"t", "-", RowBox[{"p", "/", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"3", "t"}], ")"}]}]}], "/.", "solstminus"}], ")"}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", RowBox[{"\"\<roots choosing the plus sign in \>\"", ",", RowBox[{"TraditionalForm", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", FractionBox["q", "2"]}], "\[PlusMinus]", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ SuperscriptBox["p", "3"], "27"], "+", FractionBox[ SuperscriptBox["q", "2"], "4"]}]]}], "]"}]}], "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"solsyplus", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"y", "\[Rule]", "#"}], "}"}], "&"}], "/@", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"t", "-", RowBox[{"p", "/", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"3", "t"}], ")"}]}]}], "/.", "solstplus"}], ")"}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<verification for the roots in which we have choosed the minus sign\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"verminus", "=", RowBox[{"redcub", "/.", "solsyminus"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{"Expand", ",", "verminus", ",", RowBox[{"{", "2", "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{"Together", ",", "%", ",", RowBox[{"{", "2", "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<verification for the roots in which we have choosed the plus sign\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"verplus", "=", RowBox[{"redcub", "/.", "solsyplus"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{"Expand", ",", "verplus", ",", RowBox[{"{", "2", "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{"Together", ",", "%", ",", RowBox[{"{", "2", "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<an arithmetic example\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"valpq", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"p", "\[Rule]", "3"}], ",", RowBox[{"q", "\[Rule]", "2"}]}], "}"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<minus sign\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"solsyminus", "/.", "valpq"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<substitution and verification\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"redcub", "/.", "valpq"}], ")"}], "/.", "%"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{"Expand", ",", "%", ",", RowBox[{"{", "2", "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", "%", "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<numerical value with 40 digits precision\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"N", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"solsyminus", "/.", "valpq"}], ",", "20"}], "]"}], "//", "Chop"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<sorting\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"Sort", "[", "%", "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<plus sign\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"solsyplus", "/.", "valpq"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<substitution and verification\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"redcub", "/.", "valpq"}], ")"}], "/.", "%"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{"Expand", ",", "%", ",", RowBox[{"{", "2", "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", "%", "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<numerical value with 40 digits precision\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"N", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"solsyplus", "/.", "valpq"}], ",", "20"}], "]"}], "//", "Chop"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<so we get the same set of roots regardless which sign we choose; let choose the minus sign\>\"", "]"}], ";", "solsyminus"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<Mathematica's Solve solution\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{"redcub", ",", "y"}], "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<comparison of LeafCount values\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"LeafCount", "/@", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"%%", ",", "%"}], "}"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<so leafcount[solution procedure]<leafcount[solution procedure]\>\"", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<let obtain the roots for the initial varible z\>\"", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"y", "-", "\[Lambda]"}], ")"}], "/.", RowBox[{"\[Lambda]val", "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}], "/.", "solsyminus"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<the roots for z in rule format\>\"", "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"solsz", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"z", "\[Rule]", "#"}], "}"}], "&"}], "/@", "%"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"$PrePrint", "=", "StandardForm"}], ";"}]}], "Input", CellLabel->"In[119]:=", CellMargins->{{Inherited, 14}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's see Trace now Trace[Solve[x^3 + p*x + q == 0, x], TraceInternal -> True] {{{HoldForm[x^3 + p*x + q], HoldForm[q + p*x + x^3]}, HoldForm[q + p*x + x^3 == 0]}, HoldForm[Solve[q + p*x + x^3 == 0, x]], {HoldForm[Roots[q + p*x + x^3 == 0, x]], {HoldForm[(q + p*x + x^3) + 0], HoldForm[q + p*x + x^3]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {{{HoldForm[I], HoldForm[I]}, HoldForm[Integrate`$I -> I], HoldForm[Integrate`$I -> I]}, HoldForm[Solve`SolvVar[x] /. Integrate`$I -> I], HoldForm[Solve`SolvVar[x]]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {{{HoldForm[I], HoldForm[I]}, HoldForm[Integrate`$I -> I], HoldForm[Integrate`$I -> I]}, HoldForm[Solve`ParmVar[q] /. Integrate`$I -> I], HoldForm[Solve`ParmVar[q]]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {{{HoldForm[I], HoldForm[I]}, HoldForm[Integrate`$I -> I], HoldForm[Integrate`$I -> I]}, HoldForm[Solve`ParmVar[p] /. Integrate`$I -> I], HoldForm[Solve`ParmVar[p]]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[q^0], HoldForm[1]}, {HoldForm[p^0], HoldForm[1]}, {HoldForm[Expand[1]], HoldForm[1]}, {HoldForm[x^0], HoldForm[1]}, {HoldForm[q^0], HoldForm[1]}, {HoldForm[p^0], HoldForm[1]}, {{HoldForm[Options[Factor]], HoldForm[{Extension -> None, GaussianIntegers -> False, Modulus -> 0, Trig -> False}]}, HoldForm[Extension /. {Extension -> None, GaussianIntegers -> False, Modulus -> 0, Trig -> False}], HoldForm[None]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[FactorList[q + p*x + x^3, Modulus -> 0]], HoldForm[{{1, 1}, {q + p*x + x^3, 1}}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[Together[1]], HoldForm[1]}, {HoldForm[Together[0]], HoldForm[0]}, {HoldForm[Together[p]], HoldForm[p]}, {HoldForm[Together[q]], HoldForm[q]}, {HoldForm[Expand[3*p]], HoldForm[3*p]}, {HoldForm[0*p], HoldForm[0]}, {HoldForm[Expand[-27*q]], HoldForm[-27*q]}, {HoldForm[(3*p)^3], HoldForm[27*p^3]}, {HoldForm[(-27*q)^2], HoldForm[729*q^2]}, {HoldForm[FactorSquareFree[108*p^3 + 729*q^2]], HoldForm[27*(4*p^3 + 27*q^2)]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[27*(4*p^3 + 27*q^2)]], HoldForm[{27, 4*p^3 + 27*q^2}]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[1]], HoldForm[{1, 1}]}, {HoldForm[Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]], {HoldForm[(1/2)*Log[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]], HoldForm[(1/2)*Log[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, HoldForm[Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, {HoldForm[(3*Sqrt[3])*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]], HoldForm[3*Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, {{HoldForm[1/2], HoldForm[1/2]}, HoldForm[(1/2)*(-27*q + 3*Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])], HoldForm[(1/2)*(-27*q + 3*Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])]}, {HoldForm[(1/2)*(-27*q + 3*Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]) /. (Solve`a_)^(Solve`b_ /; !IntegerQ[Solve`b]) -> Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a, Solve`b]], {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/2]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/2]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, HoldForm[(1/2)*(-27*q + 3*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[4*p^3 + 27*q^2, 1/2])]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[-27*q + 3*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[4*p^3 + 27*q^2, 1/2]]], HoldForm[{-3, 9*q - Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[4*p^3 + 27*q^2, 1/2]}]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[2]], HoldForm[{2, 1}]}, {HoldForm[(3/2)*(-9*q + Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[4*p^3 + 27*q^2, 1/2]) /. Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a_, Solve`b_] -> Solve`a^Solve`b], HoldForm[(3/2)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])], {{{HoldForm[Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]], {HoldForm[(1/2)*Log[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]], HoldForm[(1/2)*Log[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, HoldForm[Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, HoldForm[Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, HoldForm[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, HoldForm[(3/2)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])]}, {HoldForm[(3/2)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]) /. (Solve`a_)^(Solve`b_ /; !IntegerQ[Solve`b]) -> Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a, Solve`b]], {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/2]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/2]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, HoldForm[(3/2)*(-9*q + Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[4*p^3 + 27*q^2, 1/2])]}, {HoldForm[(3/2)*(-9*q + Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[4*p^3 + 27*q^2, 1/2]) /. Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a_, Solve`b_] -> Solve`a^Solve`b], HoldForm[(3/2)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])], {{{HoldForm[Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]], {HoldForm[(1/2)*Log[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]], HoldForm[(1/2)*Log[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, HoldForm[Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, HoldForm[Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, HoldForm[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]}, HoldForm[(3/2)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])]}, {HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], {HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]], HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]]}, HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)]}, {{HoldForm[1/(3*(3/2)^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], {HoldForm[1/(3/2)^(1/3)], HoldForm[1/(3/2)^(1/3)], HoldForm[(2/3)^(1/3)]}, {HoldForm[1/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], HoldForm[1/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], {HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]*-1], HoldForm[(-(1/3))*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]]}, HoldForm[1/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)]}, HoldForm[(2/3)^(1/3)/(3*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))]}, HoldForm[((3*p)*(2/3)^(1/3))/(3*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], HoldForm[(3*p*(2/3)^(1/3))/(3*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], HoldForm[(3*(2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(3*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], {HoldForm[1/p], HoldForm[1/p]}, HoldForm[((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)]}, {{HoldForm[1/3], HoldForm[1/3]}, HoldForm[(1/3)*(3/2)^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], HoldForm[(1/3)*(3/2)^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], HoldForm[(1/3)*(3/2)^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/(2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, {{HoldForm[1/2], HoldForm[1/2]}, HoldForm[(1/2)*(1 - I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[(1/2)*(1 - I*Sqrt[3])]}, {HoldForm[1/p], HoldForm[1/p]}, {HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])]}, {{HoldForm[1/2], HoldForm[1/2]}, HoldForm[(1/2)*(1 + I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[(1/2)*(1 + I*Sqrt[3])]}, {HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])]}, {{HoldForm[1/2], HoldForm[1/2]}, HoldForm[(1/2)*(1 - I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[(1/2)*(1 - I*Sqrt[3])]}, {HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])]}, {{HoldForm[1/2], HoldForm[1/2]}, HoldForm[(1/2)*(1 + I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[(1/2)*(1 + I*Sqrt[3])]}, {HoldForm[1/p], HoldForm[1/p]}, {HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])]}, {{{HoldForm[((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], {HoldForm[1/p], HoldForm[1/p]}, {HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])]}, HoldForm[((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))]}, HoldForm[((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, {{HoldForm[((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], {HoldForm[1/p], HoldForm[1/p]}, {HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])]}, HoldForm[((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))]}, HoldForm[((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, HoldForm[{-(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)), ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)), ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}]}, {HoldForm[-(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) /. (Solve`a_)^(Solve`b_ /; !IntegerQ[Solve`b]) -> Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a, Solve`b]], {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/3]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(1/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(1/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(2/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/3]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, HoldForm[(-Solve`RootsAuxVar[2/3, 1/3])*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] + Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]], {HoldForm[(-Solve`RootsAuxVar[2/3, 1/3])*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)]], HoldForm[(-p)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2/3, 1/3]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)]]}, HoldForm[(-p)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2/3, 1/3]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] + Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[(-p)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2/3, 1/3]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] + Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]]], HoldForm[{-1, p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2/3, 1/3]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]}]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[1]], HoldForm[{1, 1}]}, {HoldForm[(-p)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2/3, 1/3]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] + Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3] /. Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a_, Solve`b_] -> Solve`a^Solve`b], HoldForm[-((p*(2/3)^(1/3))/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))], {{HoldForm[1/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], {HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]*-1], HoldForm[(-(1/3))*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]]}, HoldForm[1/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)]}, HoldForm[-((p*(2/3)^(1/3))/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], HoldForm[-(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], {HoldForm[1/p], HoldForm[1/p]}, HoldForm[-(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))]}, {{HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], {HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]], HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]]}, HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)]}, HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/(2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, HoldForm[-(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, {HoldForm[((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) /. (Solve`a_)^(Solve`b_ /; !IntegerQ[Solve`b]) -> Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a, Solve`b]], {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(2/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(1/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/2]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(1/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(1/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(2/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/2]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/3]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, HoldForm[Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*p* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*(1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]], {HoldForm[Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*p* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)]], HoldForm[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)]]}, HoldForm[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*(1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]* (1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*(1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]]], {HoldForm[(p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] + I*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)]) + ((-(1/2))*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3] + (1/2)*I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3])], HoldForm[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] + I*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3] + (1/2)*I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]]}, HoldForm[{I/2, -2*I*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] + 2*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3] + Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]}]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[1]], HoldForm[{1, 1}]}, {HoldForm[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*(1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3] /. Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a_, Solve`b_] -> Solve`a^Solve`b], HoldForm[(p*(1 + I*Sqrt[3]))/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))], {{HoldForm[1/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], {HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]*-1], HoldForm[(-(1/3))*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]]}, HoldForm[1/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)]}, HoldForm[(p*(1 + I*Sqrt[3]))/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], HoldForm[((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], {HoldForm[1/p], HoldForm[1/p]}, {HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])]}, HoldForm[((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))]}, {{HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], {HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]], HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]]}, HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)]}, HoldForm[-(((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)))], {HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])]}, HoldForm[-(((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)))]}, HoldForm[((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, {HoldForm[((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) /. (Solve`a_)^(Solve`b_ /; !IntegerQ[Solve`b]) -> Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a, Solve`b]], {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(2/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(1/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/2]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(1/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(1/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[-(2/3)]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/2]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, {{HoldForm[IntegerQ[1/3]], HoldForm[False]}, HoldForm[ !False], HoldForm[True]}, HoldForm[Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*p* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*(1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]], {HoldForm[Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*p* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)]], HoldForm[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)]]}, HoldForm[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*(1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]* (1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*(1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]]], {HoldForm[(p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - I*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)]) + ((-(1/2))*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3] - (1/2)*I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3])], HoldForm[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - I*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3] - (1/2)*I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]]}, HoldForm[{-(I/2), 2*I*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] + 2*p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3] + Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3]}]}, {HoldForm[FactorTermsList[1]], HoldForm[{1, 1}]}, {HoldForm[p*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(2/3)]*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(1/3)]*(1 - I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])* Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], -(1/3)] - (1/2)*Solve`RootsAuxVar[2, -(1/3)]* Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, -(2/3)]*(1 + I*Solve`RootsAuxVar[3, 1/2])*Solve`RootsAuxVar[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2], 1/3] /. Solve`RootsAuxVar[Solve`a_, Solve`b_] -> Solve`a^Solve`b], HoldForm[(p*(1 - I*Sqrt[3]))/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))], {{HoldForm[1/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], {HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]*-1], HoldForm[(-(1/3))*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]]}, HoldForm[1/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)]}, HoldForm[(p*(1 - I*Sqrt[3]))/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], HoldForm[((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))], {HoldForm[1/p], HoldForm[1/p]}, {HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 - I*Sqrt[3])]}, HoldForm[((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))]}, {{HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)], {HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]], HoldForm[(1/3)*Log[-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2]]]}, HoldForm[(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)]}, HoldForm[-(((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)))], {HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])], HoldForm[1/(1 + I*Sqrt[3])]}, HoldForm[-(((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)))]}, HoldForm[((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, HoldForm[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) || x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) || x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {{HoldForm[And[x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]], HoldForm[x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, HoldForm[x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) /. Solve`InvFun[Solve`a_, Solve`k_Integer, _Integer][Solve`w___, (Solve`a_)[Solve`w___, Solve`b_, Solve`g___], Solve`g___] :> Solve`b /; Length[{Solve`w}] == Solve`k - 1], HoldForm[x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {{HoldForm[And[x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]], HoldForm[x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, HoldForm[x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) /. Solve`InvFun[Solve`a_, Solve`k_Integer, _Integer][Solve`w___, (Solve`a_)[Solve`w___, Solve`b_, Solve`g___], Solve`g___] :> Solve`b /; Length[{Solve`w}] == Solve`k - 1], HoldForm[x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {{HoldForm[And[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]], HoldForm[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/(2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, HoldForm[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) /. Solve`InvFun[Solve`a_, Solve`k_Integer, _Integer][Solve`w___, (Solve`a_)[Solve`w___, Solve`b_, Solve`g___], Solve`g___] :> Solve`b /; Length[{Solve`w}] == Solve`k - 1], HoldForm[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList = {}], HoldForm[{}]}, {HoldForm[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) || x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) || x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) /. Solve`InvFun[Solve`a_, Solve`k_Integer, _Integer][Solve`w___, (Solve`a_)[Solve`w___, Solve`b_, Solve`g___], Solve`g___] :> Solve`b /; Length[{Solve`w}] == Solve`k - 1], HoldForm[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) || x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) || x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]}, {HoldForm[$MessageList], HoldForm[{}]}, {{HoldForm[ToRules[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/(2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) || x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3)) || x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]], HoldForm[ToRules[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/(2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))], ToRules[x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))], ToRules[x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]], {HoldForm[ToRules[x == -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/(2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]], HoldForm[{x -> -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}]}, {HoldForm[ToRules[x == ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]], HoldForm[{x -> ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}]}, {HoldForm[ToRules[x == ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))]], HoldForm[{x -> ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}]}, HoldForm[{x -> -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}]}, HoldForm[{Sequence[{x -> -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/(2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}]}], HoldForm[{{x -> -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}}]}, HoldForm[{{x -> -(((2/3)^(1/3)*p)/(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) + (-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)/ (2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}, {x -> ((1 - I*Sqrt[3])*p)/(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3)) - ((1 + I*Sqrt[3])*(-9*q + Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[4*p^3 + 27*q^2])^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3)*3^(2/3))}}]} Period! No further comment! Best Regards Dimitris Paul-Olivier Dehaye <paul-olivier.dehaye at> wrote: Thank you for this, but in the case of very "unobvious" manipulations of hypergeometric sums, there are only finitely many identities that are known (and referred to usually as the hypergeometric database, as first described by Bailey). See As far as I know, that's essentially how Mathematica tries to simplify those "hard" HypergeometricPFQ. By essentially, I mean that without those rules hard-coded in the system, there is almost no chance mathematica would stumble upon it. Some of them are more trivial than others, and it would be a good question for instance to know if Mathematica had to use any of the identities in the table on the page linked above. Now, in the problem you were suggesting me to Trace, it looks like this is indeed what s happening. Beyond, indeed, a huge mess, there are some parts that I can make sense of: > System`GammaDump`SimpGammaN[{{1 + a - c, 1}, > {1 + a - b - c, -1}}], > {{1 + a - c === 1 + a - b - c && 1 === -1, > {1 + a - c === 1 + a - b - c, False}, False}, > RuleCondition[System`GammaDump`SimpGammaN[ > {{1 + a - c, 1 + Sign[1]}}], False], Fail}, > If[Length[{{1 + a - c, 1}, {1 + a - b - c, -1}}] < 2, > System`GammaDump`SimpGamma1[{{1 + a - c, 1}, and in general wherever there is a RuleCondition, it looks as if Mathematica is trying to establish whether it is under the hypothesis of the specific rule being considered. I don't understand that output, but what I want is in there... On 12/9/06, dimitris <dimmechan at> wrote: CAS like Mathematica have implementated algorithms which usually don't follow human's solution by hand; quite the opposite. The intermediate evaluated expressions may be interesting for someone with deeper knowledge in Computer Science but for the common user of Mathematica. Consider for example the following example of definite integration Integrate[1/Sqrt[1 - x^2], {x, 0, 1}] Pi/2 A trivial solution by hand provided by the substitution x=sinu. We let Mathematica do this for us. Reduce[Sin[u] == 0 && 0 <= u <= Pi/2, u] && Reduce[Sin[u] == 1 && 0 <= u <= Pi/2, u] integrand = Simplify[(1/Sqrt[1 - x^2])*dx /. x -> Sin[u] /. dx -> D[Sin[u], u], 0 <= u <= Pi/2] Integrate[integrand, {u, 0, Pi/2}] u == 0 && u == Pi/2 1 Pi/2 If you want to take a look of the intermediate expressions in the direct evaluation of the integral by Mathematica execute the following command (and be impressed!) Trace[Integrate[1/Sqrt[1 - x^2], {x, 0, 1}], TraceInternal -> True] The output is big and I avoid to display it. But watch that even this quite simple integral involves the calling of "exotic" functions like PolyLog Cases[Trace[ Integrate[1/Sqrt[1-x^2],{x,0,1}],TraceInternal\[Rule]True],_PolyLog,{-3}] {PolyLog[Integrate`ImproperDump`v, Integrate`NLtheoremDump`w], PolyLog[2, 1 + I], PolyLog[3, -I], PolyLog[3, 1 + I], PolyLog[Integrate`ImproperDump`v, Integrate`NLtheoremDump`w], PolyLog[2, 1 + I], PolyLog[3, -I], PolyLog[3, 1 + I], PolyLog[Integrate`ImproperDump`v, Integrate`NLtheoremDump`w], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)]} Look in the implementation notes of Integrate for more details. As regards your particular question: Consider an example from the Help Browser HypergeometricPFQ[{a, b, c}, {1 + a - b, 1 + a - c}, 1] (Pochhammer[1 + a, -b]*Pochhammer[1 + a/2 - c, -b])/(Pochhammer[1 + a/2, -b]*Pochhammer[1 + a - c, -b]) Then FunctionExpand[HypergeometricPFQ[{a, b, c}, {1 + a - b, 1 + a - c}, 1]] (Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[1 + a - b]*Gamma[1 + a - c]*Gamma[1 + a/2 - b - c])/ (2^a*(Gamma[1/2 + a/2]*Gamma[1 + a/2 - b]*Gamma[1 + a/2 - c]*Gamma[1 + a - b - c])) Use above setting of Trace and be impressed again! Trace[FullSimplify[HypergeometricPFQ[{a, b, c}, {1 + a - b, 1 + a - c}, 1]], TraceInternal -> True] Note that Information["TraceInternal", LongForm -> True] "TraceInternal is an option for Trace and related functions which, if True or False, specifies whether to trace evaluations of \ expressions generated internally by Mathematica. The intermediate Automatic setting traces a selected set of internal \ evaluations including Messages and sets or unsets of visible symbols." Attributes[TraceInternal] = {Protected} Also I suggest you reading the following relevant post Best Regards Dimitris guy.verhofstadt at wrote: > Hi, > I have a question regarding something that Mathematica can do via the > command FullSimplify. > I use it to prove an identity between HypergeometricPFQ's. However it > would be helpful to me to see how Mathematica proves it. How can I get > access to the intermediate expressions and the transformations applied? > Also, is there a definite list of all the things FullSimplify will try > in Automatic setting? > Thank you very much guy.verhofstadt at wrote: > Hi, > I have a question regarding something that Mathematica can do via the > command FullSimplify. > I use it to prove an identity between HypergeometricPFQ's. However it > would be helpful to me to see how Mathematica proves it. How can I get > access to the intermediate expressions and the transformations applied? > Also, is there a definite list of all the things FullSimplify will try > in Automatic setting? > Thank you very much dimitris wrote: > CAS like Mathematica have implementated algorithms which usually don't > follow human's solution by hand; quite the opposite. > The intermediate evaluated expressions may be interesting for someone > with deeper knowledge in Computer Science but for the common user of > Mathematica. > > Consider for example the following example of definite integration > > Integrate[1/Sqrt[1 - x^2], {x, 0, 1}] > Pi/2 > > A trivial solution by hand provided by the substitution x=sinu. > We let Mathematica do this for us. > > Reduce[Sin[u] == 0 && 0 <= u <= Pi/2, u] && Reduce[Sin[u] == 1 && 0 <= > u <= Pi/2, u] > integrand = Simplify[(1/Sqrt[1 - x^2])*dx /. x -> Sin[u] /. dx -> > D[Sin[u], u], 0 <= u <= Pi/2] > Integrate[integrand, {u, 0, Pi/2}] > > u == 0 && u == Pi/2 > 1 > Pi/2 > > If you want to take a look of the intermediate expressions in the > direct evaluation of > the integral by Mathematica execute the following command (and be > impressed!) > > Trace[Integrate[1/Sqrt[1 - x^2], {x, 0, 1}], TraceInternal -> True] > > The output is big and I avoid to display it. > But watch that even this quite simple integral involves the calling of > "exotic" functions > like PolyLog > > Cases[Trace[ > > Integrate[1/Sqrt[1-x^2],{x,0,1}],TraceInternal\[Rule]True],_PolyLog,{-3}] > {PolyLog[Integrate`ImproperDump`v, Integrate`NLtheoremDump`w], > PolyLog[2, 1 + I], PolyLog[3, -I], PolyLog[3, 1 + I], > PolyLog[Integrate`ImproperDump`v, Integrate`NLtheoremDump`w], > PolyLog[2, 1 + I], PolyLog[3, -I], PolyLog[3, 1 + I], > PolyLog[Integrate`ImproperDump`v, Integrate`NLtheoremDump`w], > PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], > PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, > (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], > PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, > (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], > PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, > (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], > PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, > (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], > PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, > (-1)^(3/4)], PolyLog[2, (-1)^(1/4)]} > > Look in the implementation notes of Integrate for more details. > > As regards your particular question: > > Consider an example from the Help Browser > > HypergeometricPFQ[{a, b, c}, {1 + a - b, 1 + a - c}, 1] > (Pochhammer[1 + a, -b]*Pochhammer[1 + a/2 - c, -b])/(Pochhammer[1 + > a/2, -b]*Pochhammer[1 + a - c, -b]) > > Then > > FunctionExpand[HypergeometricPFQ[{a, b, c}, {1 + a - b, 1 + a - c}, 1]] > (Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[1 + a - b]*Gamma[1 + a - c]*Gamma[1 + a/2 - b - c])/ > (2^a*(Gamma[1/2 + a/2]*Gamma[1 + a/2 - b]*Gamma[1 + a/2 - c]*Gamma[1 > + a - b - c])) > > Use above setting of Trace and be impressed again! > > Trace[FullSimplify[HypergeometricPFQ[{a, b, c}, {1 + a - b, 1 + a - c}, > 1]], TraceInternal -> True] > > Note that > > Information["TraceInternal", LongForm -> True] > "TraceInternal is an option for Trace and related functions which, if > True or False, specifies whether to trace evaluations of \ > expressions generated internally by Mathematica. The intermediate > Automatic setting traces a selected set of internal \ > evaluations including Messages and sets or unsets of visible symbols." > Attributes[TraceInternal] = {Protected} > > Also I suggest you reading the following relevant post > > > > Best Regards > Dimitris > > > > guy.verhofstadt at wrote: > > Hi, > > I have a question regarding something that Mathematica can do via the > > command FullSimplify. > > I use it to prove an identity between HypergeometricPFQ's. However it > > would be helpful to me to see how Mathematica proves it. How can I get > > access to the intermediate expressions and the transformations applied? > > Also, is there a definite list of all the things FullSimplify will try > > in Automatic setting? > > Thank you very much