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Re: FindFit and NormFunction

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg64217] Re: FindFit and NormFunction
  • From: Maxim <m.r at>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 02:49:19 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

-----Original Message-----
From: "David W. Cantrell" <DWCantrell at>
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg64217] Re: FindFit and NormFunction

> Maxim <m.r at> wrote:
> > On Fri, 3 Feb 2006 00:11:19 +0000 (UTC), Paul Abbott
> > <paul at> wrote:
> >
> > > I am having difficulty using the NormFunction option to FindFit. Let me
> > > give a concrete example. Abramowitz and Stegun Section 17.3.35 gives a
> > > nonlinear approximant to the complete elliptic integral. See
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > This approximant to EllipticE[1-m] can be implemented as
> > >
> > >  f[a_, b_, c_, d_][m_] = a m + b m^2 - (c m + d m^2) Log[m] + 1;
> > >
> > > After sampling EllipticE[1-m],
> > >
> > >  data = N[Table[{m, EllipticE[1-m]}, {m, 10^-8, 1 - 10^-8, 10^-3}]];
> > >
> > > using FindFit gives quite a decent approximant:
> > >
> > >  FindFit[data, f[a, b, c, d][m], {a,b,c,d}, m]
> > >
> > >  best[m_] =f[a, b, c, d][m] /. %
> > >
> > > The maximal absolute fractional error is ~6 x 10^-5 as seen from
> > >
> > >  Plot[10^5 (1 - best[m]/EllipticE[1 - m]), {m, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> All]
> > >
> > > However, the Abramowitz and Stegun approximant has error ~4 x 10^-5.
> > >
> > >  AS[m_] =f[0.4630151, 0.1077812, 0.2452727, 0.0412496][m];
> [snip]
> >
> > One option is to try a global optimizer instead of FindFit:
> >
> > In[4]:= (sol = NMinimize[
> >    Norm[data[[All, 2]] - f[a, b, c, d][data[[All, 1]]], Infinity],
> >    {a, b, c, d},
> >    Method -> {DifferentialEvolution, CrossProbability -> .05}]) // Timing
> >
> > Out[4]= {22.953*Second, {0.000035864209, {a -> 0.46224543, b ->
> > 0.10851758, c -> 0.24549621, d -> 0.041990523}}}
> I've been unable to reproduce your result on my computer using version 5.1:
> In[11]:= (sol = NMinimize[
>  Norm[data[[All,2]] - f[a, b, c, d][data[[All,1]]], Infinity],
>  {a, b, c, d},
>  Method -> {DifferentialEvolution, CrossProbability -> 0.05}]) // Timing
> Out[11]= {14.422*Second, {0.000170617785, {a -> 0.47491173, b ->
> 0.09573489, c -> 0.24082805, d -> 0.034393029}}}
> I also tried using several different values of RandomSeed, but was never
> able to get an error as low as your 0.000035864209. Why was I unable to
> reproduce your result? Could it be because I'm using version 5.1?
> A triviality: Looking at the documentation for NMinimize, I had thought
> that double quotation marks would be _required_ around the Method option
> names, that is, Method -> {"DifferentialEvolution", "CrossProbability" ->
> 0.05}. But I see now that the quotation marks are not needed (although they
> still can be used). Is the documentation out of date?
> > Plot[
> >    {EllipticE[1 - m] - AS[m],
> >     EllipticE[1 - m] - f[a, b, c, d][m] /. sol[[2]]},
> >    {m, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue}]
> >
> > Actually this approximation has a smaller relative error as well as
> > smaller absolute error than AS[m].
> Indeed it does. Explanation:
> Formula 17.3.35 in A&S is from a book of computer approximations by
> Hastings. I haven't looked at that book, and so I don't know whether or not
> Hastings makes it clear that 1 + a + b must be Pi/2. But whether stated or
> not, that was apparently a restriction used by Hastings to insure that the
> approximation would give the exact value of EllipticE[1 - m] at the end
> point m = 1. And of course, the fact that the constant term in the
> approximation was 1 insured that it would also give the exact value at the
> other end point, m = 0. I assume that Hastings _wanted_ the approximation
> to be exact at both extremes of m. If my assumption is correct, then the
> values of the coefficients and the error given by Hastings are OK.
> OTOH, if the only objective were to minimize worst |error|, then your
> result (which does not give the exact value at m = 1) is, as you indicated,
> better than Hastings. Furthermore, there is no reason that the constant
> term should be 1 if we do not require an exact value at m = 0. Dropping
> that restriction, we can then get a still better approximation,
> having |error| < 3*10^-5:
>  f[a_, b_, c_, d_, e_][m_] = a m + b m^2 - (c m + d m^2) Log[m] + e
> with {a -> 0.464167, b -> 0.106570, c -> 0.244708, d -> 0.040691,
> e -> 1.00002943}
> One could similarly "improve" formula 17.3.36 in A&S. But to my taste at
> least, it's nicer to have approximations which give EllipticE[1 - m]
> exactly at the extremes of m.
> Regards,
> David Cantrell

You're correct, the NMinimize algorithms, in particular the local search methods (e.g., submethod InteriorPoint for RandomSearch), underwent some changes in version 5.2. My guess is that if you were to try

In[4]:= NMinimize[
  Norm[data[[All, 2]] - f[a, b, c, d][data[[All, 1]]], Infinity],
  {a, b, c, d},
  Method -> {DifferentialEvolution,
    CrossProbability -> .05, PostProcess -> False},
  MaxIterations -> 1000]

Out[4]= {0.000035461782, {a -> 0.46215121, b -> 0.10860872, c -> 0.24552379, d -> 0.042078762}}

(turning the local search off), the results would be the same in versions 5.1 and 5.2. Or we can optimize the function f[a, Pi/2 - 1 - a, c, d][m] if the value at m = 1 is fixed.

It is probably safer to use strings, as shown in the documentation ("DifferentialEvolution", etc.). For instance, I think in earlier versions of Mathematica Developer`SetSystemOptions accepted only strings, not symbols; now it accepts both. I just prefer to use symbols for uniformity and also because then I can use Ctrl-K (command completion) to speed up the typing.

Maxim Rytin
m.r at

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