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Re: real newbie question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg64421] Re: real newbie question
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnewsciv at>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 03:05:33 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 2/15/06 at 3:32 AM, Skip.Egley at (Skip Egley) wrote:

>Sorry for the newbieness. This is probably a piece of cake for you

>I have a set of Brillouin zone data. That is, there's a kx, ky, and
>a kz followed by an energy value. How can I select particular
>directions in the Brillouin zone out of this data and make a 2D
>plot of it. A k value followed by an energy value. For instance,
>say I want to plot along the kx axis. I would need to select all kx
>values such that ky and kz were zero and grab the matching energy
>value for the kx value. Or if I wanted to plot along a (110)
>direction, I would need to grab all kx=ky values with kz=0, along
>with the corresponding energy. Get my drift?

>Once I have the data I do know how to plot it (not that much of a
>newbie) :)

So, I take it your problem is how to select the desired values from the original data structure. There are a number of ways this can be done using Select, Cases or Pick. Assuming the data looks like a list of (kx,ky,kz,energy} values,

Cases[data, {_,0,0,_}]

would give you all instances where ky=kz=0 and


would give you all instances where kx=ky and kz = 0
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