Re: Problem with Fractional Brownian Motion
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg63693] Re: Problem with Fractional Brownian Motion
- From: Roger Bagula <rlbagulatftn at>
- Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 01:48:48 -0500 (EST)
- References: <dptbr2$t4t$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Paolo Tarpanelli wrote: > To simulate a Fractional Brwonian Motion I have implemented this algorithm > > H := 0.9; > n := 5; > m = 100; > dFBM = Table[n^(-H)/Gamma[H + 1/2]*((Sum[Xa?1 + n*(m + t)-i?*i^(H-1/2),{i,1,n*t}]))+((Sum[Ya?1+n*(m-1+t)-i*((n+1)^(H-1/2)- i^(H-1/2),{i,1,n(m-1)}])), {t, 1, 100}]; > > where Xa and Ya are two random vector that I have created previously. > The problem is that the process is negative(!) while it must to be positive! > > Paolo > *************** > From my blackberry > **************** > Here's a method I came up with two years ago (about) and posted to my chaos theory egroup: Clear[x, a] (* by Roger L. Bagula 7 July 2004©*) (* projective line function: interpolates a line to a circle in angular terms*) x[a_] = (1 + Sqrt[1 - a^2])/2; (* seed random at date/ time*) SeedRandom[]; (* fractional Brownian dimension as H = 3 - a0*) a0 = Log[4]/Log[3]; digits = 150 (* Fractional brownian distribution as defined by Kenneth Falconer page 250 Fractal Geometry 1990 John Wiley and sons publisher*) noise = Table[Exp[-(x[Sin[2*Pi*Random[]]]^2 + x[Sin[2*Pi*Random[]]]^2)*((((n - digits/2)/digits)^2 + ((m - digits/2)/100)^2)^a0)/2]/Sqrt[2*Pi], {n, 1, digits}, {m, 1, digits}]; ListDensityPlot[noise, PlotRange -> All] g1 = ListPlot3D[noise, PlotRange -> All, ViewPoint -> {2.011, -2.721,-0.076}] Show[g1, ViewPoint -> {3.034, -1.123, 0.992}]