MathGroup Archive 2006

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Re: Speed challenge: Improve on integer frequencies from Count?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg67777] Re: [mg67739] Speed challenge: Improve on integer frequencies from Count?
  • From: Sseziwa Mukasa <mukasa at>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 07:12:55 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On Jul 6, 2006, at 6:52 AM, Gareth Russell wrote:

> Hi,
> A challenge for the efficiency gurus:
> Given a list of integers whose possible values lie in the range 0 to
> maxInt, with any given integer represented 0, 1 or multiple times,
> e.g., what you would get from
> Table[Random[Integer, {0, maxInt}], {1000}]
> create a list of frequencies of values including ALL possible values
> (i.e., not the basic output of Frequencies[], because that only
> includes values present in the list.
> The fastest I have been able to come up with is the obvious use of  
> Count[]...
> In[256]:=
> myFrequencies=Compile[{{myList,_Integer,1},{
>     maxInt,_Integer}},Table[Count[myList,i],{i,0,maxInt}]]
> Out[256]=
> CompiledFunction[{myList,maxInt},Table[Count[myList,i],{i, 
> 0,maxInt}],-\
> CompiledCode-]
> In[278]:=
> testList=Table[Random[Integer,{0,500}],{1000}];
> In[281]:=
> Timing[Do[myFrequencies[testList,500];,{1000}]]
> Out[281]=
> {2.3103 Second,Null}
> However, it seems to me that this should be able to be improved upon,
> because it scans the whole list maxInt times. One should be able to
> scan the list once, and increment a frequency list in the right  
> places,
> perhaps with a For[] loop. But try as I might, I can't come up with a
> version that is faster than the compiled Count[] version above.
> Can anyone do it?

On my machine Frequencies is faster than myFrequencies.  The missing  
values can be filled in with:


where result is the result of calling Frequencies.  Combining the two  
I get:


which is faster than myFrequencies on my machine.  Of course in this  
case the list is not sorted, adding a sort makes it much slower than  
myFrequencies.  Alternatively, you could just keep the list of zero  
frequency items separate.



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