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Re: Problem dealing with Cases and MemberQ

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg68221] Re: Problem dealing with Cases and MemberQ
  • From: Paul Abbott <paul at>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 01:00:55 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: The University of Western Australia
  • References: <ea72js$k6a$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <ea72js$k6a$1 at>,
 "Charlie Brummitt" <cbrummitt at> wrote:

> I am trying to write code to detect whether a given (partial
> differential) equation is dissipative, i.e. whether it contains
> -u[x,t] or +D[u[x,t],{x,2}] or -D[u[x,t],{x,4}] or +D[u[x,t],{x,6}].

I assume that you are talking about the dissipative properties of the 
finite-difference scheme associated with the PDE, rather than of the PDE 
itself? So I would guess that the application is to automatically 
construct stable finite-difference schemes?

> In other words, given an expression (for example,  -0.1 u[x,t] +
> u[x,t]^2 + u[x,t] D[u[x,t],{x,2}] )   I would like to determine
> whether the expression contains any of the following: -U, +Uxx,
> -Uxxxx, +Uxxxxxx --- with the specified signs. (Note that here I used
> the shorthand U = u[x,t], Uxx = D[u[x,t],{x,2}], etc.)
> I am having trouble determining whether a given variable (say U) has a
> negative sign in front of it. It does not matter whether that U is
> also multiplied by a real number (say 0.1) or by another variable (say
> Ux). Could anyone please help me write the code to do this?

But what if -U is multiplied by -U (just U^2)? And how should you handle 
-U Uxx ?

> Here is a method I have tried, to moderate success:
> This method successfully determines whether a particular term has a
> plus or minus sign on it when the term has a real coefficient, but it
> fails when the term in the equation is multiplied by another variable
> (e.g., Ux).
> Here is essentially what the code does: I do Cases[equation, term] to
> find the cases of the term I'm looking for, then I divide the
> resulting list by the term to just get the coefficient that's in front
> of each case. Then I map the appropriate sign function (Positive or
> Negative, depending on which term I'm searching for -- e.g. Negative
> for -U, Positive for +Uxx, etc.). Then I use MemberQ on the result to
> find out whether any of the values of the resulting list is True.
> However, this method fails when the term in the equation is multiplied
> by a different variable. This is because when I divide the list
> generated by Cases by the term I'm searching for, I am still left with
> any other variables that were multiplied by the term. For example, if
> - U*Ux is in the equation, after dividing by U I am left with -Ux, and
> when I apply Negative to this quantity it does not evaluate to True
> (even though I want it to!) because it doesn't know whether Ux is
> positive or negative. How might I fix this?
> Here is the actual code:
> containsDissipative[eq_, term_, sign_] := MemberQ[Map[sign, Cases[eq,
> _*term]/term], True];
> If you are so inclined, here is a good equation to use as a test equation:
> Plus[Times[-0.001`, u[x, t]], Times[10, Power[u[x, t], 2]], Times[-1,
> u[x, t], Derivative[1, 0][u][x, t]]]
> Then flipping the signs on the leading U term and the U*Ux term is a
> good way to test the code.
> Might there be another way using Select?

Here's a slightly more complicated equation:

  de = 10 u[x, t]^2 - Derivative[1, 0][u][x, t]*u[x, t] - 
    0.001 u[x, t] - Derivative[2, 0][u][x, t] Derivative[3, 0][u][x, t]^2

Turn it into a list,

  ld = List @@ de

Extract the overall sign,

  sg = Sign[First /@ ld]

and locate the even derivatives:

  Cases[#,u[x,t] | Derivative[n_ /; EvenQ[n],_][u][x,t],Infinity]]& /@ ld

This should allow you to select the terms that you want.

Also, perhaps the following links are of interest?


Paul Abbott                                      Phone:  61 8 6488 2734
School of Physics, M013                            Fax: +61 8 6488 1014
The University of Western Australia         (CRICOS Provider No 00126G)    

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