MathGroup Archive 2006

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Lists and polynomials

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg71023] Lists and polynomials
  • From: "aland" <alandix at>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 23:07:23 -0500 (EST)

Hi All,
Another beginner here!
I am trying to create a list based around a polynomial.
In particular, I want to work with a large-ish number based on a power
of 2
629 x^2  + 863 x + 271
where x = 2^10
What I want to do is take a number y such as y=6718213 and derive a
list where the list values are the coefficients of the polynomial.
So that if my number y=1027 (2^10 +3)
the polynomial would be
and the list would be { 1,3 }

I have tried NestWhileList[] and PolynomialRemainder[]  but I'm really
struggling to get them to do what I want.  I have a procedural
programming background; functional programming looks excellent, I just
can't get it to work!

Any suggestions (like you're using the wrong functions, try these
others....) would be gratefully received.

I'm also looking to convert the list back into a number once I've
finished working with the polynomial.

Mathematica v4.2, although it probably doesn't make a lot of

Thanks in advance,


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