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Re: comparing implicit 0 with machine floats

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg71205] Re: [mg71108] comparing implicit 0 with machine floats
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 06:38:09 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <> <>

In fact, things look even more surprising (to me anyway).

Simplify[Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]] == 0.]//Timing

{0.046486 Second,True}


Timing[Simplify[Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]]]]

{0.0008739999999998194*Second, Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] -
    Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]]}

Note that the first evaluation took a non-negligible amount of time.  
One reason why I am surprised is that I would have thought one would  
need to increase $MaxExtraPrecision to something like



Andrzej Kozlowski

On 9 Nov 2006, at 12:10, Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:

> Yes indeed, it does. This is rather curious because Simplify does  
> not actually reduce Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]] to 0  
> (since Simplify does not make use of RootReduce) one needs  
> FullSimplify to do that.
> In[51]:=
> Simplify[Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]]]
> Out[51]=
> Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]]
> In[52]:=
> FullSimplify[Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]]]
> Out[52]=
> 0
> Andrzej Kozlowski
> On 9 Nov 2006, at 11:30, Bob Hanlon wrote:
>> Using Simplify will force the comparison
>> Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]] == 2.//Simplify
>> False
>> Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]] == N[10^3]//Simplify
>> False
>> Bob Hanlon
>> ---- Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at> wrote:
>>> Consider the following:
>>> Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[4 + 2*Sqrt[6]] == 2.
>>> False
>>> No problem here. Now let's make a small change
>>> In[17]:=
>>> Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]] == 2.
>>> Out[17]=
>>> Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]] == 2.
>>> In fact the expression on the LHS  is exactly 0:
>>> In[19]:=
>>> RootReduce[Sqrt[2]+Sqrt[3]-Sqrt[5+2*Sqrt[6]]]
>>> Out[19]=
>>> The curious thing is that if you try a comparison between a zero of
>>> this kind and any machine float, however large, Mathematica 5.1 will
>>> return the original input:
>>> In[20]:=
>>> Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]] == N[10^3]
>>> Out[20]=
>>> Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6]] == 1000.
>>> yet if the number of the left hand side is altered, however  
>>> slightly,
>>> the comparison will be made:
>>> Sqrt[2] + Sqrt[3] - Sqrt[5 + 2*Sqrt[6+1/10^20]] == 2.
>>> False
>>> This suggests that Mathematica actually did perform a computation of
>>> the left hand side in the examples where it just returned the input
>>> and having discovered that it could not determine if the LHS is an
>>> exact zero decided "not to answer the question". But this seems  
>>> quite
>>> unreasonable; after all it is not being asked if the LHS is an exact
>>> 0, or even an approximate 0, but if it is an approximate large  
>>> number
>>> like 1000., and this it certainly can decide.
>>> I believe this used to be handled differently (better?) in older
>>> versions of Mathematica but I no longer have any installed to check.
>>> Andrzej Kozlowski

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