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Re: returning variable number of arguments from a Module[ ]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg71498] Re: returning variable number of arguments from a Module[ ]
  • From: Jean-Marc Gulliet <jeanmarc.gulliet at>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 18:12:01 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • References: <ejs38c$94b$>

bd satish wrote:
> Hi ,
>          Is there any method to return a variable number of arguments from a
> Module[ ] or Block[ ] depending upon the o/p list ?

If I have understood correctly what your desire, the straight answer is 
a plain "No".  Basically, in an assignment such as expr1 = expr2, the 
RHS expr2 is not aware of the LHS.  That is, expr1 might or might not 
exist, it could be a single symbol such as W, a list with only one 
element such as {W}, a list of several elements such as {W, Y}, etc. 
Therefore, expr2 is going to be evaluated first and returns whatever it 
has to return.  If there is no assignment, the value(s) is/are just 
displayed (yet they are still assigned to the variable Out].  If expr1 
exists, then the value(s) returned by expr2 are going to be assigned to 
expr1 by the function Set in the same order they have been returned.

> For example, consider a module
>           f[x_,y_]:= Module[ {t,s} , t=x+y; s = t*y  ]
> Also  assume that , the variable 's' has higher priority than 't' . So when
> a user types a single o/p variable i.e.
>  W = f[x,y]                then W should have the same value as 's' in the
> module
> { W, Y } = f[x,y]        then W points to 's' and 'X' points to 't'

What is going to be returned by a user defined function is the last 
expression of the function.  Therefore, returning several values can be 
done by writing the last expression as a list of expressions and/or 
values.  You have several ways to get the desired result. You will find 
below some of these methods.

f[x_, y_] := Module[{t, s}, t = x + y; s = t*y; {s, t}];
{W, Y} = f[x, y]

{y*(x + y), x + y}

Clear[W, Y, f];
f[x_, y_, r_:1] := Module[{t, s}, t = x + y; s = t*y; If[r == 1, s, {s, 
f[x, y]
{W, Y} = f[x, y, 2]

y*(x + y)

{y*(x + y), x + y}

Clear[W, Y, f];
f[x_, y_, 1] := Module[{t, s}, t = x + y; s = t*y];
f[x_, y_, 2] := Module[{t, s}, t = x + y; s = t*y; {s, t}];
f[x_, y_, 3] := Module[{t, s}, t = x + y; s = t*y; {t, s}];
f[x, y, 1]
{W, Y} = f[x, y, 2]
f[x, y, 3]

y*(x + y)

{y*(x + y), x + y}

{x + y, y*(x + y)}

Clear[W, Y, f];
f[1][x_, y_] := Module[{t, s}, t = x + y; s = t*y];
f[2][x_, y_] := Module[{t, s}, t = x + y; s = t*y; {s, t}];
f[3][x_, y_] := Module[{t, s}, t = x + y; s = t*y; {t, s}];
f[1][x, y]
{W, Y} = f[2][x, y]
f[3][x, y]

y*(x + y)

{y*(x + y), x + y}

{x + y, y*(x + y)}


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