Re: AGAIN Nested while loop!!!
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg71646] Re: AGAIN Nested while loop!!!
- From: dh <dh at>
- Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 05:37:35 -0500 (EST)
- References: <ek63rd$907$>
Hi, you got the syntax of "If" wrong. This works: result={}; For[i=1,i<=6,i++, For[j=i+1,j<=6,j++, If[lst[[i]]==lst[[j]],result={i,j};Break[]]] ]; result Concerning the While loop, the logic is wrong. This works: result = {}; i = 0; While[++i <= 6, j = i; While[++j <= 6, If[lst[[i]] == lst[[j]], result = {i, j}; Break[]] ] ]; result Daniel mumat wrote: > I have a list of numbers > > lst = Table[Random[Integer, {i, 50}], {i, 6}] > > I want to write a program that if There are two numbers x, y in A where > > > Mod[x^2+y^2, 5]==0 reuturn False and the pair {x,y}, otherwise True! > > > For[i = 0, i < 6, For[j = i, j < 6, > If[Mod[lst[[i]]^2 + lst[[j]]^2, 3] == 0, > Return[False,{i,j}]];Break[], j++], i++] > > While loop and nested while loops accept only one counter "i". > > i=1;j=2; > > While[i<6 && While[j<6 && > Mod[lst[[i]]^2+lst[[j]]^2,7]=!=0,j++];i++];{i,j} > > {2,6} > > > Would be great if you could help me with this!! > > > Regards, > > chekad >