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Re: Method option to Solve

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg71617] Re: Method option to Solve
  • From: "dimitris" <dimmechan at>
  • Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 05:36:55 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ejur0n$i3c$>

Searching more I didn't find many things.
It's very obscure. Isn't it?

Even the (giant!) Guidebook For Symbolics of M. Trott doesn't contain
anything information.
I guess it is something out there. Probably Daniel Lichtblau will give
you more details.

But my examples show that only with the default
(Method->3) you get solutions (or all the solutions), so what's
bothering you?

I recently ask


about the ExactRootIsolation option of Root function.

The answer I got from Andrzej Kozlowski (I guess he will give you the
answer you search for!) was well informative with a lot of details.

But he mentioned me something which give me a hint I try to keep in my
mind from now and then when I make questions to the forum. First what
he said:

"I don't think any of it should  concern the average user, unless you
are really working on something  involving algebraic numbers, when
knowing which method of root
isolation was used may be important."

Now the hint. Am I really need all these information or just during my
work with Mathematica I found something undocumented?

And before you misunderstand me I tell you that these friendly comments
come from someone that at least 10% of his questions were about
undocumented options/commands/settings/functions!

Best Regards

Andrew Moylan wrote:
> Hi all,
> The usage string for the option name Method says "Method is an option
> to Solve, related functions, and various numerical functions, which
> specifies what algorithm to use in evaluating the result.". The list of
> options for Solve does indeed include Method, with a default value of
> 3:
> In[11]:=
> Options[Solve]
> Out[11]=
> {InverseFunctions -> Automatic, MakeRules -> False,
>   Method -> 3, Mode -> Generic, Sort -> True,
>   VerifySolutions -> Automatic, WorkingPrecision -> Infinity}
> However, I have been unable to find any other reference to the Method
> option to Solve in the documentation. Can anyone explain what this
> option does, and/or refer me to a part of the documentation that
> explains it?
> Cheers,
> Andrew

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