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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg70109] undocumented
  • From: dimmechan at
  • Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 05:58:50 -0400 (EDT)

The following questions are not for a particular reasons.
My queries just appeared after some recent posts of mine.

"5.2 for Microsoft Windows (June 20, 2005)"

Consider the Built-in function ArgumentCountQ.
This function is undocumented in the Help Broser.


"ArgumentCountQ[head, len, min, max] tests whether the number len of
arguments of a function head is between min and max."
Attributes[ArgumentCountQ] = {Protected, ReadProtected}

My first question is where this definition of this Built -in function
is stored and why it cannot be appeared in the Help Browser?

Of course I have encountered and other functions exhibit this behavior

"TraceInternal is an option for Trace and related functions which, if
True or False, specifies whether to trace evaluations of \
expressions generated internally by Mathematica. The intermediate
Automatic setting traces a selected set of internal \
evaluations including Messages and sets or unsets of visible symbols."
Attributes[TraceInternal] = {Protected}

Consider now

Attributes[InexactNumberQ] = {Protected}


(Information[Evaluate[#1[[1]]]] & ) /@ %;
{BoxFrame -> True, BoxMargins -> {{0.4000000059604645,
0.4000000059604645}, {0.5, 0.5}}}
Attributes[BoxFrame] = {Protected}
Attributes[BoxMargins] = {Protected}

It seems that InexactNumberQ and the options of FrameBox are
For the the first this is true.
For the my surprise not.

Just press the cursor next to BoxFrame for example and then press F1
and you will see that you are gone to the desired documtation (as part
of the
FrontEnd documentation).

How is this possible?

Is it a way to get the "real" undocumented functions/symbols?

I search (a little I must admit) the archives and I found the following

Block[{$Urgent = {}}, Select[Names["System`*"], (#1;
!StringQ[MessageName @@ Append[ToHeldExpression[#1], "usage"]]) & ]]

I get a list of almost 500 functions.
These list includes just undocumented functions?
If yes what is the reason of the existence of this

In old post of Ted Esrek I read that one reason was
that some functions were not well tested but this
was for the 3.0 version.

If the answer in the last question is no and the
returning list is a mix of undocumnated functions
and functions that are obsolete how I can
find just the undocumnated functions?


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