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Re: On order of options to Graphics[]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg70274] Re: [mg70252] On order of options to Graphics[]
  • From: "Chris Chiasson" <chris at>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 01:53:26 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>

>Mathematica help needs to be more detailed.

In general, I agree. However, all the examples for drawing graphics
primitives show the directives before the primitives, (e.g. Graphics
and Epilog, Polygon, Rectangle, Disk, etc) so you at least have a
fighting chance of coming up with something that works.

I still challenge anyone to show me the proper usage of Infix with
four arguments.

On 10/10/06, Nasser Abbasi <nma at> wrote:
> 5.2 on XP:
> It seems strange to me that the order of arguments in this example should
> have made a difference, but it does:
> When I write Thickness[] After Line[] it has no effect. But before, it does:
> Show[  Graphics[    {  Line[{{1, 0}, {1, 6}}],   Thickness[0.1] }   ]  ]
> (*does not work eq(1)*)
> Show[  Graphics[    {  Thickness[0.1],  Line[{{1, 0}, {1, 6}}]  }   ]  ]
> (*now it works  eq(2)*)
> From help it says:
>           Graphics[ primitives, options]
> Then It gives Line[] as an example of a graphic primitive, and Thickness[]
> as an example of graphics Directive. But help did NOT say which order the
> primitive and directive should have with respect to each others. It just
> says "the following directives can be used" and leaves it up to the user to
> figure that the order of primitive and directive is important.
> So based on this little experiment, One must write
>          Graphics[  {  Directive, Primitive } ]  ----> maps to eq (2) which
> works
> and not
>         Graphics[  { Primitive, Directive } ] ----> maps to eq(1)
> It seems more logical to me to write {Primitive,Directive}. But this does
> not work. One must have the Directive before the Primitive.
> I wish the help can be more detailed. I find Mathematica help hard to follow
> many times. Mathematica help needs to be more detailed.
> Nasser


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