Re: Faster ways to unionize intersecting sets?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg70373] Re: Faster ways to unionize intersecting sets?
- From: "dkr" <dkrjeg at>
- Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 03:07:58 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <eg02a3$81m$>
Here is a rules based approach which mimics your procedural approach: In[1]:= intersectQ[s1_, s2_] := If[Intersection[s1, s2] =!= {}, True, False]; mergeSetsdkr[s:{__List}]:= Reap[{{},Sequence@@ s}//.{ {h_[f1___],b1_List,b2_List,b___}/; intersectQ[b1,b2]:>{hit[f1,Union[b1,b2]],b1,b},{h_[f1___], b1_List,b2_List,b___} :>{h[f1,b2],b1,b},{hit[f1___], b1_List}:>{{},f1},{{f1___},b1_List}:>(Sow[b1];{{},f1})}][[2, 1]]; Initially, an empty list is prepended to the list s. The first element in the patterns will be used as a temporary storage container, and will also keep track if the first rule is used. There are 4 rules. Suppose s consists of at least two elements. Initially the pattern h_ matches the head List, f1 is the null sequence, with b1_ and b2_ matching the first two lists in s, and b matching the sequence of remaining lists in s. If the lists matching b1_ and b2_ intersect, then the head of the first element is set to hit, Union[b1,b2] is added to the storage container (whose head is now hit), and b2 is dropped from the sequence of lists. If there is no intersection (rule 2), then the head of the storage container remains whatever it was, b2 is added to it and dropped from the remaining sequence of lists. The process continues, using the first two rules, until only the list matching b1_ remains. If the third rule matches (whose first element has the head hit), it means that somewhere along the line the list matching b1 intersected another list that appeared next to it. (Rule 1 is the only rule that could have changed the first element's head from List to hit.) Consequently the list matching b1_ is not a single. In this case, the first element is reset to {}, and the sequence of lists f1 is recovered from the storage container, and the process continues. Otherwise the fourth rule applies, whose first element has the head List (consequently the first rule could not have been used), and thus the list matching b1 is a single, and so is sown. Below we give a few timing results comparing your approach, the above approach, and the elegant rules based approach suggested by Peter Pein in this thread. In[3]:= mergeSets[s_List] := Module[ {h, r, singles, club, cnt}, cnt = Length[s]; If[cnt < 2, Return[s]]; singles = {}; club = s; While[cnt >= 2, h = club[[1]]; r = Rest[club]; hit = 0; club = If[intersectQ[h, #], hit = 1; Union[h, #], #] & /@ r; If[hit == 0, singles = Append[singles, h]]; --cnt; ]; Join[singles, club] ] ; mergeSetsPEIN[s_List]:= s//.{a___,x_List,b___,y_List,c___}/; Intersection[x,y]=!={}\[RuleDelayed]{a,Union[x,y],b,c}; In[5]:= SeedRandom[1234]; generateData[numUpperBound_,sublistLengthLowerBound_,sublistLengthUpperBound_, numSublists_]:= Table[Table[ Random[Integer,{1,numUpperBound}],{Random[ Integer,{sublistLengthLowerBound, sublistLengthUpperBound}]}],{numSublists}]; data1=generateData[1000,1,20,100]; data2=generateData[1000,1,10,100]; data3=generateData[1000,1,20,200]; data4=generateData[1000,1,5,200]; data5=generateData[1000,1,80,50]; data6=generateData[1000,50,200,50]; In[13]:= First/@{Timing[mergeSets[data1]],Timing[mergeSetsdkr[data1]], Timing[mergeSetsPEIN[data1]]} Out[13]= {1.99 Second,1.77 Second,1.47 Second} In[14]:= First/@{Timing[mergeSets[data2]],Timing[mergeSetsdkr[data2]], Timing[mergeSetsPEIN[data2]]} Out[14]= {0.53 Second,0.3 Second,0.38 Second} In[15]:= First/@{Timing[mergeSets[data3]],Timing[mergeSetsdkr[data3]], Timing[mergeSetsPEIN[data3]]} Out[15]= {11.67 Second,11.88 Second,3.15 Second} In[16]:= First/@{Timing[mergeSets[data4]],Timing[mergeSetsdkr[data4]], Timing[mergeSetsPEIN[data4]]} Out[16]= {0.83 Second,0.83 Second,2.26 Second} In[17]:= First/@{Timing[mergeSets[data5]],Timing[mergeSetsdkr[data5]], Timing[mergeSetsPEIN[data5]]} Out[17]= {1.14 Second,0.89 Second,3.13 Second} In[18]:= First/@{Timing[mergeSets[data6]],Timing[mergeSetsdkr[data6]], Timing[mergeSetsPEIN[data6]]} Out[18]= {1.63 Second,1.37 Second,4.15 Second} dkr