two questions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg70708] two questions
- From: "dimitris" <dimmechan at>
- Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 05:45:12 -0400 (EDT)
Hello to all. I downloaded the Ted Ersek's Supplementary Help Browser (see a few months ago. I spent much time with it but now I want to do two things. First I have a notebook called init1. This book contain the follwoing Initialization Cell (I have also selected the AutoSave Package option). Cell[TextData[{ "Click ", ButtonBox["here", ButtonData:>{ FrontEnd`FileName[ {$RootDirectory, "C:", "Documents and Settings", "All Users", "Application Data", "Mathematica", "Applications"}, "Supplementary Help Browser.nb", CharacterEncoding -> "WindowsGreek"], "a cell for hyperlink"}, ButtonStyle->"Hyperlink"], " for Supplementary Help Browser" }], "Text", InitializationCell->True] The Hyperlink works fine when I execute the command from the init1.nb opening the Supplementary Help Browser (I have changed the filename of Ted Ersek's notebook) as I intend. Suppose now I work on another notebook and I ececute the following command << "C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application \ Data\\Mathematica\\Applications\\init1.m" Nothing happened. What I have on my mind was the opening of the Supplementary Help Browser from the working Notebook just with the loading of the Initialization Cell, i.e. without the need of creating another Hyperlink. How is it possible to do that? And here comes my second question. How the Supplementary Help Browser (and as well the Supplementary Help Browser for Mathematica Graphics) can be a part of the Help Browser? Thanks in advance for any response. Dimitris