Re: question about plot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg69670] Re: [mg69652] question about plot
- From: bsyehuda at
- Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 02:44:35 -0400 (EDT)
Hi, You probably mean PlotLabel and not PlotLegend, but then is wil lnot make sense, since oly the first plot label (from value n=0) is used, so PlotLegend does make sense. So, you need to install the Graphics`Legend` package. The basic error in your code is that PlotLegend is a single option that should point to the complete list of legend labels of the curves plotted by a single Plot function. in addition, Hue[x] where x is an integer is always a red color so all corrected code follows. << Graphics`Legend` Plot[Evaluate[delta[#, x] & /@ Range[0, 10]], {x, -2, 2}, PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> Table[Hue[i/11], {i, 0, 10}], PlotLegend -> ToString /@ Range[0, 10], LegendLabel -> "n", ImageSize -> 500] It also looks that PlotRange->{-0.5,0.5} generates nicer results Good luck yehuda On 9/19/06, dimmechan at <dimmechan at> wrote: > > Hi. > > I define a delta sequence. > > Needs["Graphics`"] > > delta[n_, x_] := n/(Sqrt[Pi]/E^((-n^2)*x^2)) > > I can't understand what I do wrong in the following command. > I really appreciate any comments. > > Show[(Plot[delta[#1, x], {x, -2, 2}, DisplayFunction -> Identity, > PlotRange -> All, ImageSize -> {800, 500}, PlotStyle -> Hue[#1], > PlotLegend -> StringJoin["n= ", ToString[#1]]] & ) /@ Range[0, 10], > DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction] > > Thanks > >