Optimisation of FourierCoefficients
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg75198] Optimisation of FourierCoefficients
- From: "Edmund" <Edmund.koch at tu-dresden.de>
- Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 00:37:59 -0400 (EDT)
I want to find the minimum of a Fourier-Coefficient as a function of the input values. FindMinimum[Abs[Fourier[{ y, 1}][[1]]], {y, 2}] The actual problem is a little more complicated, but even this simple statements gives the error messages I can't understand. Fourier::fftl: Argument {y, 1} is not a non-empty list or rectangular array \ of numeric quantities. Any suggestion ? best regards Edmund
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Optimisation of FourierCoefficients
- From: Sseziwa Mukasa <mukasa@jeol.com>
- Re: Optimisation of FourierCoefficients