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Re: removing those annoying $$$$'s from local variables names?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79710] Re: removing those annoying $$$$'s from local variables names?
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 03:53:56 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Uni Leipzig
  • References: <f8pk78$2i1$>
  • Reply-to: kuska at


foo[] := Block[{c, k}, c = Array[k, 3]]

will do that ...
but you have to keep care for the result

will produce

if you don't care, that this is what you see, is not
that what you have than

myfoo[] :=
  Module[{c, k}, MakeBoxes[k, fmt_: StandardForm] := RowBox[{"k"}];
   c = Array[k, 3]]

will work.


Nasser Abbasi wrote:
> Hello;
> This is a problem I am sure many have seen. May be there is a simple
> solution for it, but I can't find it.
> This problem is when a function returns back a symbol which is local
> to the function, then these synbols will have $nnnn tacked to them,
> and so when the caller say prints the symbol, it will have those $'s
> numbers, which make it annoying to look it and print, say as a table
> or such.
> This is an example:
> ------------- example 1 -------------
> foo[] := Module[{c, k},
>               c = Array[k, 3]
>           ];
> c = foo[];
> Print[c];
> {k$76[1], k$76[2], k$76[3]}
> --------------------------------------------------
> You see, since k is local to foo[], then when I print it, I see those $
> $$ signs.
> Only way to remove this $$$'s is to make k global as follows
> ------------------------ example 2 -------------------
> Remove[k];
> foo[] := Module[{c},
>               c = Array[k, 3]
>           ];
> c = foo[];
> Print[c];
> {k[1], k[2], k[3]}
> ----------------------------------------
> But making 'k' global is something I do NOT want to do, since now I
> have to worry about 'k' having a value somewhere else in the code, and
> it goes against the whole idea of encapsulation. If I start making all
> my symbols global, then the code becomes hard to manage.
> So, what should one do in this case?  How can make all the symbols
> local to a function, but at the same time not see these $$$'s when the
> symbols are used when they are returned from the function back to the
> caller?
> thanks,
> Nasser

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