Re: Beta function, Integral
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg79885] Re: [mg79858] Beta function, Integral
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
- Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 04:45:51 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: hanlonr at
It is correct. int1 = Integrate[t^(p - 1)*(1 - t)^(q - 1), {t, 0, 1}, Assumptions -> {p > 0, q > 0}] (Pi*Csc[Pi*q]*Gamma[p])/ (Gamma[1 - q]*Gamma[p + q]) To force an alternate form add the assumption that p and q are integers. int2 = Integrate[t^(p - 1)*(1 - t)^(q - 1), {t, 0, 1}, Assumptions -> {Element[{p, q}, Integers], p > 0, q > 0}] (Gamma[p]*Gamma[q])/Gamma[p + q] Verifying that the forma are equivalent and equal to Beta function int1 == int2 == Beta[p, q] // FullSimplify True Hence Solve[int1 == int2, Gamma[1 - q]][[1, 1]] Gamma[1 - q] -> (Pi*Csc[Pi*q])/ Gamma[q] FullSimplify[Equal @@ %] True Bob Hanlon ---- Asim <maa48 at> wrote: > > Hi > > The following integral does not seem to give the correct answer. The > answer should be the Euler Beta function, Beta[p,q]. Can anybody let > me know what I am doing wrong? Or is this a bug? > > > In[12]:= Integrate[t^{p - 1}*(1 - t)^(q - 1), {t, 0, 1}, Assumptions - > > {p > 0, q > 0}] > > Out[12]= {(\[Pi] Csc[\[Pi] q] Gamma[p])/(Gamma[1 - q] Gamma[p + q])} > > > Thanks > > Asim Ansari > >