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Re: How show Locator point and its image under a function?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79963] Re: How show Locator point and its image under a function?
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 05:32:33 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Uni Leipzig
  • References: <> <f9c0jv$5st$>
  • Reply-to: kuska at


f[{x_, y_}] := {(2 x + 1), y + 2}

DynamicModule[{lst = {{-1, 1/2}}},

       Framed@ Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> 10, ImageSize -> 300],
     LocatorAutoCreate -> True],
     Graphics[{RGBColor[1, 0, 0], Dynamic[Point[f[#]] & /@ lst]},
      PlotRange -> 10, ImageSize -> 300]}

should work.


Murray Eisenberg wrote:
> I oversimplified my requirements...
> Actually, I want to do more: I want to include a LocatorAutoCreate->All 
> option for the left-hand graphics portion so that as each point there is 
> clicked it remains there and its image in the right-hand graphics is 
> automatically shown an remains showing even as I click new points on the 
> left.
> Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>> The following code displays a fixed point and its image under a 
>> specified function f:
>>    f[{x_,y_}]:={2x+1,y+2}
>>    Module[{pt = {-1, 0.5}},
>>       Row[{
>>         Framed@Graphics[Point[pt], PlotRange -> 5],
>>         Framed@Graphics[Point[f[pt]], PlotRange -> 5]
>>       }]
>>     ]
>> Now I want to have the point in the left-hand graphic to be dynamic, 
>> controlled by a Locator, and to have its changed image under the 
>> function to be shown in the right-hand graphic.
>> The idea is something like the following (WRONG!) code:
>>    DynamicModule[{pts={{0,0}}},
>>      Row[{
>>        LocatorPane[Dynamic[pts],Graphics[{},PlotRange->5]],
>>        Graphics[Dynamic[f/@pts],PlotRange->5]
>>      }]
>>    ]
>> That code produces error messages, "1 is not a Graphics primitive or 
>> directive", "2 is not a Graphics primitive or directive".
>> How can it actually be done?

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