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Version 6 "Mathematica Book" - updated and expanded

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79937] Version 6 "Mathematica Book" - updated and expanded
  • From: thomas <thomas.muench at>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 05:18:58 -0400 (EDT)


thank you for the nice feedback on my code for generating a virtual
"Mathematica Book" for version 6. I am sorry that the initial code was
not platform independent, that occurred to me a bit late, and other
have posted corrections for that in the meantime.

I have kept working on the code, and have incorporated some of the
changes suggested by others. Below you find an updated and expanded
version. The changes are:

- correct hyperlinks, even to the "New" tutorial topics (the structure
of the "New" files is slightly more sophisticated than the older ones,
the hyperlinks were not reproduced correctly)

- links to ALL tutorial files in the documentation, not only the ones
that are reached by links in "The Mathematica book" (which includes
files that were previously found in the "Getting started" section of
the v5.2 help system, and in the "Reference guide" of the Mathematica
book, and various other files). I have tried to put this files into
reasonable order, and may or may not have succeeded.

- links to all tutorials and guides of the packages.

I hope that the code does work on non-Windows platforms, I have no way
of testing this by myself.

Best, Thomas

Code follows:

(* -==- Make "The Mathematica Book" based on "...Overview.nb" files \
in the tutorials directory -==- *)

fn = FileNames["*Overview.nb",
   ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", "English",
     "System", "Tutorials"}]];
(*Find "Overview.nb" files in the tutorials-directory*)

nameList = {StringTake[#, {StringPosition[#, $PathnameSeparator][[-1,
         1]] + 1, -12}],
     "paclet:tutorial/" <>
      StringTake[#, {StringPosition[#, $PathnameSeparator][[-1, 1]] +
         1, -4}], #} & /@ fn;
(*create a list of strings needed for future code*)

Do[nameList[[i, 1]] =
   "New: " <> nameList[[i, 1]], {i, {3, 6, 7, 8, 18, 28, 29, 40, 41,
    46, 48}}];
(*mark the chapter not present in v5.2 with "New: "*)

orderOfChapters = {{36, 3, 8, 31, 4, 47, 1, 39, 32, 14, 20, 16, 18,
    17, 11, 43}, {10, 13, 35, 48, 22, 45, 9, 27, 38, 42, 44, 23, 12,
    26, 15, 40, 41}, {30, 25, 2, 21, 5, 7, 37, 19, 33, 34, 28, 29, 6,
    46, 24}};
(*The file list is alphabetical-this is the order in which the \
chapters should appear*)

structure = Table[nameList[[i]], {k, 3}, {i, orderOfChapters[[k]]}];
(*needed for the code further down-represents the structure of the \
Mathematica book*)

mainChapters = {"Getting Started",
   "A Practical Introduction to Mathematica",
   "Principles of Mathematica", "Advanced Mathematics in Mathematica",
    "Reference Guide", "Further Tutorials", "Packages"};
(*The three main headings*)

beautify[ugly_] :=
    ugly, {l1_?LowerCaseQ ~~ l2_?UpperCaseQ :>
      l1 <> " " <> l2}], {" And " -> " and ", " Of " -> " of ",
    " In " -> " in ", " The " -> " the ", " For " -> " for "}];
(* based on code by Selwyn Hollis - Thanks! *)

d[x_, style_: "Section", margin_: {{36, 0}, {5, 5}}] :=
 Module[{sectitle = beautify[x[[1]]]},
     PaneSelectorBox[{False -> sectitle,
       True -> StyleBox[sectitle, "HyperlinkActive"]},
     BaseStyle -> {"Link", style}, ButtonData -> x[[2]],
     ButtonNote -> x[[2]]]], style, CellDingbat -> None,
   ShowGroupOpener -> True, CellMargins -> margin]]
(* Cell representing a hyperlink to a file *)

nb = NotebookPut[]; SetOptions[nb,
 StyleDefinitions -> ToFileName["Wolfram", "Reference.nb"]];
(*Open new Notebook*)

  nb, {Cell[
       Import[ToFileName["ExampleData", "spikey.tiff"], "Graphics",
        ImageSize -> 70]],
      Cell["The Virtual Mathematica Book (v6)", "Title",
       TextAlignment -> Center]}], "Title", TextAlignment -> Center],
   Cell["A collection of links to the tutorials present in the \
Mathematica 6.0 Documentation Center, arranged in the order of \
chapters in \"The Mathematica Book\".", "Text",
    TextAlignment -> Center]}];
(* Print the titel *)

   Cell[StringJoin[Table["xxxxxxxxxx", {k}]], "Text"]];
  If[2 <= k <= 4,
   Do[NotebookWrite[nb, d[i]];
    With[{nb1 = NotebookOpen[i[[3]], Visible -> False]},
     SelectionMove[nb1, All, Notebook];
     NotebookWrite[nb, NotebookRead[nb1] //.
       {"TOCChapter" ->
         Sequence @@ {"Subsection", CellDingbat -> None,
           ShowGroupOpener -> True,
           CellMargins -> {{48, 0}, Inherited}},
        "TOCSection" ->
         Sequence @@ {"Subsubsection", CellDingbat -> None,
           ShowGroupOpener -> True,
           CellMargins -> {{58, 0}, Inherited}},
        "TOCSubsection" ->
         Sequence @@ {"Subsubsubsection", CellDingbat -> None,
           ShowGroupOpener -> True,
           CellMargins -> {{68, 0}, Inherited}},
        "TOCSubsubsection" ->
         Sequence @@ {"Text", CellDingbat -> None,
           ShowGroupOpener -> True,
           CellMargins -> {{78, 0}, Inherited}},
        ShowCellBracket -> True}];
    {i, structure[[k - 1]]}]
  {k, Length[mainChapters]}];
(*write all the links to the main chapters, as well as to \

Do[NotebookFind[nb, cellsToDelete, All, CellStyle];
   nb], {cellsToDelete, {"SymbolColorBar", "AnchorBarGrid",
    "FooterCell", "TOCDocumentTitle"}}];
(* Delete unnecessary styling cells that are part of the tutorial \
notebooks *)

  StyleDefinitions -> ToFileName["Book", "Textbook.nb"]];
Do[NotebookFind[nb, StringJoin[Table["xxxxxxxxxx", {k}]], All];
  SelectionMove[nb, All, Cell];
   Cell[mainChapters[[k]], "Subtitle", ShowGroupOpener -> True,
    CellMargins -> {{10, 0}, {5, 10}},
    CellTags -> "Section" <> ToString[k],
    CellFrame ->
     If[MemberQ[{1, 6, 7}, k], {{0, 0}, {0, 2}}, False]]], {k,
   Length[mainChapters], 1, -1}];
(* Finishing touches *)

(* -==- Add links to tutorials that are not linked yet -==- *)

SelectionMove[nb, All, Notebook];
links = StringCases[ToString[NotebookRead[nb], InputForm],
   Shortest[("\"paclet:tutorial/" ~~ y__ ~~ "\"")] :> y];
(* Extract all links to tutorials present in "The Book"... *)

linkedFiles =
    If[StringFreeQ[#, "#" ~~ DigitCharacter ...], # <> ".nb",
       StringCases[#, (y__ ~~ "#" ~~ DigitCharacter ...) :>
         y <> ".nb"]] & /@ links]];
(* ... and their filenames *)

allTutorials =
  Flatten[StringTake[#, {StringPosition[#, $PathnameSeparator][[-1,
         1]] + 1, -1}] & /@
     ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", "English",
       "System", "Tutorials"}]]];
(* all tutorials in the tutorial directory *)

notUsed = Complement[allTutorials, linkedFiles];
(* all tutorials not linked to in "The Book" so far (in alphabetical \
order); these are 76 tutorial notebooks *)

nameList = {StringTake[#, {1, -4}],
     "paclet:tutorial/" <> StringTake[#, {1, -4}],
     ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", "English",
        "System", "Tutorials"}] <> #} & /@ notUsed;
(*create a list of strings needed for future code*)

GettingStarted = {21, 18, 75}; GraphPlotting = {27, 28, 36,
  71}; MathematicaReferenceGuide = {7, 31, 64, 19, 57, 20, 37, 33,
  30}; MatrixAndVectorOperations = {10, 26, 6, 3, 73, 16, 42, 45, 62,
  52, 65, 69}; Statistics = {11, 15, 13, 58}; DynamicFeatures = {35,
  2, 34, 1}; SystemSpecificTopics = {17, 32, 60, 50, 51, 53, 41, 44,
  38, 39, 40}; FurtherNDSolveTutorials = {46, 47, 48,
  49}; FrontendAndFormattingTopics = {5, 22, 24, 25, 29, 67, 70, 74};
topics = {GettingStarted, MathematicaReferenceGuide, GraphPlotting,
   MatrixAndVectorOperations, Statistics, DynamicFeatures,
   SystemSpecificTopics, FurtherNDSolveTutorials,
FurtherTopics = Complement[Range[Length[notUsed]], Flatten[topics]];
topics = Join[topics, {FurtherTopics}];
(* trying to get some order into these tutorials *)

topicNames = {"Getting Started", "Mathematica Reference Guide",
   "Graph Plotting", "Matrix And Vector Operations", "Statistics",
   "Dynamic Features", "System Specific Topics",
   "Further NDSolve Tutorials", "FrontEnd and Formatting Topics",

NotebookFind[nb, "Section1", After, CellTags]; SelectionMove[nb, \
After, Cell];
   d[nameList[[i]], "Subsection", {{48, 0}, Inherited}]], {i,
(* Add links to "getting Started" topics *)

NotebookFind[nb, "Section5", After, CellTags]; SelectionMove[nb, \
After, Cell];
   d[nameList[[i]], "Subsection", {{48, 0}, Inherited}]], {i,
(* Add links to "Refrence Guides" topics *)

NotebookFind[nb, "Section6", After, CellTags]; SelectionMove[nb, \
After, Cell];
   Cell[topicNames[[i]], "Section", CellDingbat -> None,
    ShowGroupOpener -> True, CellMargins -> {{36, 0}, {5, 5}}]];
    d[nameList[[k]], "Subsection", {{48, 0}, Inherited}]],
   {k, topics[[i]]}],
  {i, 3, Length[topics]}];
(* Add links to all other topics *)

(* -==- Add links to Packages -==- *)

fnpdir = FileNames["*",
   ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", "English",
(* Directory names of the Packages *)

fnptut = FileNames["*.nb",
     ToFileName[{#, "Documentation", "English", "Tutorials"}],
     Infinity] & /@ fnpdir;
(* tutorial notebooks of the Packages *)

fnpguid =
     ToFileName[{#, "Documentation", "English", "Guides"}],
     Infinity] & /@ fnpdir;
(* guide notebooks of the Packages *)

NotebookFind[nb, "Section7", After, CellTags]; SelectionMove[nb, \
After, Cell];
   {packageName =
     StringTake[#, {StringPosition[#, $PathnameSeparator][[-1, 1]] +
          1, -1}] &@fnpdir[[package]]},
    Cell[beautify@packageName, "Section", CellDingbat -> None,
     ShowGroupOpener -> True, CellMargins -> {{36, 0}, {5, 5}}]];
   If[Length[fnptut[[package]]] > 0,
    level =
         fnptut[[package]], {1, -1} + (Take[#[[1]], {-2, -1}] &@
               Transpose[StringPosition[#, $PathnameSeparator]] & /@
             fnptut[[package]])[[1]]][[1]] == "Tutorials", 1, 2];
    nameList = {"Tutorial: " <>
         StringTake[#, {StringPosition[#, $PathnameSeparator][[-level,
              1]] + 1, -4}],
        "paclet:" <> packageName <> "/tutorial/" <>
          StringTake[#, {StringPosition[#, \
$PathnameSeparator][[-level, 1]] + 1, -4}], "\\" -> "/"]} & /@
      d[nameList[[k]], "Subsection", {{48, 0}, Inherited}]],
     {k, Length[fnptut[[package]]]}]
   If[Length[fnpguid[[package]]] > 0,
    level =
          package]], {1, -1} + (Take[#[[1]], {-2, -1}] &@
               Transpose[StringPosition[#, $PathnameSeparator]] & /@
             fnpguid[[package]])[[1]]][[1]] == "Guides", 1, 2];
    nameList = {"Guide: " <>
         StringTake[#, {StringPosition[#, $PathnameSeparator][[-1,
             1]] + 1, -4}],
        "paclet:" <> packageName <> "/guide/" <>
          StringTake[#, {StringPosition[#, \
$PathnameSeparator][[-level, 1]] + 1, -4}], "\\" -> "/"]} & /@
      d[nameList[[k]], "Subsection", {{48, 0}, Inherited}]],
     {k, Length[fnpguid[[package]]]}]
   ], {package, Length[fnpdir]}];
(* Add links to package tutorials and guides *)

SelectionMove[nb, All, Notebook]; FrontEndExecute[

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