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Re: Version 6 "Mathematica Book" - updated and expanded

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79985] Re: [mg79937] Version 6 "Mathematica Book" - updated and expanded
  • From: "Thomas Muench" <thomas.muench at>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:46:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <>

It is interesting that - again - there is a helpful function (HelpLookup)
which is not documented. At least searching for it doesn't turn up any
results in the Documentation Center.

I have a question:
Considering my code as well as Fred's code, I wonder if there is an easy way
to change the style of a cell (programmatically). In my code for the
Mathematica Book I use some sort of hack, and Fred's version is rather
complicated as well, although it at least looks like sound programming.

What I expected to work (but it doesn't) is something like
SetOptions[<cell to change>,CellStyle->"newstyle"]; NotebookWrite[nb,<cell
to change>]

But that sort of code prints the cell in its old style. If you look at the
InputForm of the newly printed cell, it has CellStyle->"newstyle" as an
option, but that doesn't do anything apparently, since "oldstyle" is still
the second argument of Cell[...].

Any ideas?


On 8/9/07, Fred Simons <f.h.simons at> wrote:
> I was very surprised and amused  that almost exactly at the time when I
> wanted to post on this topic to mathgroup, the message of thomas entered
> my mailbox. He did a lot more than I did, but with the same improvements
> of the original version of the book as in my work. So my first idea was
> not to post my version. But there are some differences in the way we
> arrive at these improvements which I think are worth mentioning. Roughly
> speaking,  the technique discussed so far is to find  in the tutorials
> the complete cells with the links, often in a TOCChapter cell, then copy
> these cells and after some modifications paste them into the Mathematica
> book.
> My approach uses the new function Documentation`HelpLookup. For example,
> Documentation`HelpLookup["paclet:tutorial/AlgebraicCalculationsOverview"]
> opens the documentation on Algebraic Calculations.
> Also new in Mathematica 6 is the function Button. The first argument is
> the text on the button, the second argument the action to be done.
> Further, there are a lot of options for the appearance of the button.
> For example:
> Button["Algebraic Calculations",
> Documentation`HelpLookup[
> "paclet:tutorial/AlgebraicCalculationsOverview"]]
> Button["Algebraic Calculations",
> Documentation`HelpLookup[
> "paclet:tutorial/AlgebraicCalculationsOverview"],
> BaseStyle -> "Section", Appearance -> None]
> Hence the Mathematica book will consist of cells such as the following
> one. Clicking on the text opens the tutorial.
> CellPrint[
> ExpressionCell[
> Button["Algebraic Calculations",
>   Documentation`HelpLookup[
>    "paclet:tutorial/AlgebraicCalculationsOverview"],
>   BaseStyle -> {"Section", ShowStringCharacters -> False},
>   Appearance -> None], "Section"]]
> It would have been very nice if the Mathematica function NotebookWrite
> would be able to write ExpressionCells and TextCells. But as far as I
> can see, this not (yet?) implemented. So before writing such a cell to a
> notebook, we are forced to convert the cell contents to boxes.
> My implementation for the Mathematica book simply runs through all
> overview tutorials and looks for cells with second argument TOCxxx. The
> first argument of such a cell contains both the text to be displayed on
> the button (no reason for beautifying ugly) and the corresponding
> paclet. For whom is still interested, here is the code.
> overviews = FileNames["*Overview.nb",
>      ToFileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", "English",
>          "System", "Tutorials"}]];
> (*Find "Overview.nb" files in the tutorials-directory*)
> orderOfChapters = {{36, 3, 8, 31, 4, 47, 1, 39, 32, 14, 20, 16, 18,
>    17, 11, 43}, {10, 13, 35, 48, 22, 45, 9, 27, 38, 42, 44, 23, 12,
>    26, 15, 40, 41}, {30, 25, 2, 21, 5, 7, 37, 19, 33, 34, 28, 29, 6,
>    46, 24}};
> (*The file list is alphabetical-this is the order in which the \
> chapters should appear*)
> mainChapters = {"A practical introduction to Mathematica",
>   "Principles of Mathematica",
>   "Advanced Mathematics in Mathematica"};
> (*The three main headings*)
> mmabook =
> CreateDocument[{},
>   StyleDefinitions -> ToFileName["Book", " Textbook.nb"]];
> NotebookWrite[
> mmabook, {Cell["The Virtual Mathematica Book (v6)", "Title"],
>   Cell["A collection of links to the tutorials present in the \
> Mathematica 6.0 Documentation Center, arranged in the order of \
> chapters in \"The Mathematica Book\".", "Author"]}];
> Do[
> NotebookWrite[mmabook,
>   Cell[mainChapters[[i]], "Subtitle",
>    CellMargins -> {{Inherited, Inherited}, {15, 30}},
>    ShowGroupOpener -> True]];
> Do[
>   nb = NotebookOpen[file, Visible -> False];
>   While[(SelectionMove[nb, Next, Cell];
>      z = NotebookRead[nb]) =!= {},
>    Which[z[[2]] === "TOCDocumentTitle",
>     If[ MatchQ[z[[1]], TextData[_List]],
>      z[[1]] = With[{zz = (z[[1]] /. StyleBox[x_, ___] :> x)[[1]]},
>        Fold[#1 <> "" <> #2 &, zz[[1]], Rest[zz]]]];
>     With[{pac =
>        "paclet:tutorial/" <>
>         StringReplace[
>          file, {DirectoryName[file] -> "", ".nb" -> ""}]},
>      NotebookWrite[mmabook,
>       Cell[BoxData[
>         ToBoxes[Button[z[[1]], Documentation`HelpLookup[pac],
>           BaseStyle -> {"Subsection",
>             ShowStringCharacters -> False}, Appearance -> None]]],
>        "Section", ShowGroupOpener -> True]]],
>     StringMatchQ[z[[2]], "TOC*"],
>     type =
>      Pick[{"Subsection", "Subsubsection",
>        "Subsubsubsection"}, {"Chapter", "Section", "Subsection"},
>       StringDrop[z[[2]], 3]];
>     If[type == {}, z[[1]] = "", type = type[[1]]];
>     zz =
>      Cases[z[[1]],
>       ButtonBox[x_, ___, ButtonData -> y_, ___] :> {x, y},
>       Infinity];
>     If[Length[zz] > 1 &&  Equal @@ zz[[All, 2]],
>      zz = {{Fold[ #1 <> "" <> #2 &, First[zz[[All, 1]]],
>          Rest[zz[[All, 1]]]], zz[[1, 2]]}}];
>     If[zz != {},
>      With[{pac = zz[[1, 2]]},
>       NotebookWrite[mmabook,
>        Cell[BoxData[
>          ToBoxes[Button[zz[[1, 1]], Documentation`HelpLookup[pac],
>            BaseStyle -> {type, ShowStringCharacters -> False},
>            Appearance -> None]]], type,
>         ShowGroupOpener -> True]]]]]];
>   NotebookClose[nb],
>   {file, overviews[[orderOfChapters[[i]]]]}],
> {i, 1, Length[mainChapters]}];
> SelectionMove[mmabook, All, Notebook]; FrontEndExecute[
> FrontEndToken["SelectionCloseAllGroups"]]; FrontEndExecute[
> FrontEndToken["OpenCloseGroup"]];
> SelectionMove[mmabook, Before, Notebook];
> Fred Simons
> Eindhoven University of Technology

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