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Hardware for Mathematica 6.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80158] Hardware for Mathematica 6.0
  • From: "Ernst H.K. Stelzer" <stelzer at>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 06:55:02 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f9gv7e$b73$> <f9mpr2$qr5$> <>


I was asked to be a little bit more specific following my email on hardware.

First of all, this has been discussed several times and I am well aware of
these discussions.  In my lab at EMBL in Heidelberg we use various different
pieces of equipment from different vendors.

Second, I am still looking for the official Wolfram documentation on how to
implement Multiprocessor support.  I followed a previous posting to this
group, which works for Mathematica 5.2 and 6.  It works on a dual Quadcore
(2x4=8 cores and an almost 7.5x improvement in speed) and on a dual core (2x
improvement in speed).  It works in both Vista 32bit and Vista 64bit.  In
both cases it shows nicely in Windows Task Manager Performance Indicator.  I
have not tested multi-CPU extensively but it does help with our image
processing.  As I said above, I am still looking for the official
documentation and an indication of the scope of its usefulness.

Thirdly, I also use the Personal Grid Edition (currently still 5.2) but this
is a different issue.

Fourth, the desktop I was referring to is based on XEON E5345 @ 2.33GHz,
16GByte RAM, 64bit Vista, (still, I am waiting for updates to two
packages!!) 64bit Mathematica (5.2).  The laptop runs Mathematica 6.0 and the other
dual core uses 6.0 in a 32bit environment.

In summary, only excellent experience until now.

E. Stelzer

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