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Re: Exporting to a 3D file...

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80175] Re: [mg80110] Exporting to a 3D file...
  • From: DrMajorBob <drmajorbob at>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 07:03:56 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <9178502.1187015048117.JavaMail.root@m35>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

Put "g=" before Graphics3D inside Manipulate, then Export["file.stl",g ]  
after setting the controls however you want them. After Import["file.stl "]  
I see that gridlines are gone, but otherwise it looks correct.


On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 03:24:59 -0500, Carlo Sammarco <csammarco at>  

> Hi all,
> I'm not an avid Mathematica user and would appreciate any help with  =

> this...
> I've downloaded the notebook file for the demonstration project for 3D=

> Totalistic Cellular Automata. I'm now trying to export the resulting  =

> model as an stl.  using:
> Export["MyFirstTry.stl", 3DimensionalCA]
> This is what I would do if I were dealing with a 3DPlot. But obviously=

> this isn't a 3DPlot. When I try to export, it complains because there =
is  =

> more here than just a 3D object (I assume the sliders and other button=
s  =

> are the hangup among other things). Any ideas on how to export the 3d =

> subject while keeping the functionality of everything else intact so  =

> that I can explore different iterations using the original interface?
> Here is the code...
> Manipulate[
>  Graphics3D[{Cuboid /@
>     Position[
>      CellularAutomaton[{rn, {2, 1}, {1, 1, 1}},
>       If[pr, Normal[
>         SparseArray[
>          Flatten[Table[{16, 16, Floor[(53 - init)/2] + i} -> 1, {i,
>             init}], 1], {33, 33, 53}]],
>        {{{Table[1, {init}]}}, 0}], {{{t}}}], 1]}, Boxed -> False,
>   PlotRange -> If[pr, {{0, 33}, {0, 33}, {0, 53}}, All],
>   PlotRangePadding -> 1, ImageSize -> {400, 300},
>   SphericalRegion -> True],
>  {{rn, 14, "rule number"}, 2, 200, 4, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
>  {{t, 5, "steps"}, 0, 15, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
>  {{init, 1, "initial height"}, 1, 10, 1,
>   Appearance -> "Labeled"}, Delimiter,
>  {{pr, False, ""}, {True -> "fixed view", False -> "zoom to fit"}},
>  AutorunSequencing -> {{1, 20}, {2, 15}, {3, 10}, {4, 5}}]
> Copy and paste should run fine as is.
> I appreciate any help,
> Carlo

-- =

DrMajorBob at

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