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Re: RE: Re: question in mathematica

Harvey P. Dale wrote:

>Here's another way:
>maxlst[l_List] := Module[{l2 = l, i, len}, i = 2; len = Length[l2];
>While[i <= len, l2[[i]] = Max[l2[[i]], l2[[i-1]]]; i++];
A slight refinement of this idea for number data:

maxlst2[l_List] := Union[ FoldList[Max, First@l, Rest@l] ]

In my tests with long lists, maxlst2 is about an order of magnitude 
faster. If the data can have stuff like E and Pi, then one should use 
Tally[ ... ][[All,1]] instead of Union[ .. ].

Carl Woll
Wolfram Research

>            Best,
>            Harvey
>Harvey P. Dale
>University Professor of Philanthropy and the Law
>Director, National Center on Philanthropy and the Law
>New York University School of Law
>Room 206A
>110 West 3rd Street
>New York, N.Y. 10012-1074
>tel: 212-998-6161
>fax: 212-995-3149
>From: m.r at [mailto:m.r at]
>Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 4:42 AM
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: [mg80148] [mg80143] Re: question in mathematica
>On Aug 11, 1:43 am, Andrzej Kozlowski <a... at> wrote:
>>First, please send such question to the MathGroup,
>>mathgr... at
>>not me personally. (I really have desire, tiem or ability to replace
>>the enitre MathGroup.)
>>So I have decided to post this question to the MathGroup in case
>>someone else finds it interesting.
>>Also, there is something about this question and the earlier you sent
>>me that make sme suspicious.  What do you say "you need to use
>>recursion and pattern matching, Select and Join"? This sounds to me
>>like some sort of test problem so I have decided to answer it but
>>without using any of these functions (although it may not be the
>>simplest way to do this). So here is my answer:
>>  ls = {9, 2, 10, 3, 14, 9};
>>Reverse[Last[Last[Reap[NestWhile[With[{a = First[Ordering[#, -1]]},
>>Sow[#[[a]]]; Take[#, a - 1]] &,ls,Length[#] > 0 &]]]]]
>>{9, 10, 14}
>>On 10 Aug 2007, at 10:12, Ivan Egorov wrote:
>>>I have one more question.
>>>Write a function maxima[lis_List] which, given a list of numbers,
>>>produces a list of those
>>>numbers greater than all those that precede them. For example
>>>maxima[{ 9, 2, 10, 3, 14, 9}] returns { 9, 10, 14}. You need to use
>>>recursion, pattern matching,
>>>Select and Join.
>I'll make it easier for myself and use pattern matching:
>In[1]:= ReplaceList[{9, 2, 10, 3, 14, 9},
>  {s___, x_, ___} /; Max[s] < x :> x]
>Out[1]= {9, 10, 14}
>Maxim Rytin
>m.r at

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