MathGroup Archive 2007

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Updated gridMathematica and Mathematica Personal Grid Edition now available

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80302] Updated gridMathematica and Mathematica Personal Grid Edition now available
  • From: Wolfram Research <newsdesk at>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:45:30 -0400 (EDT)

New versions of gridMathematica and Mathematica Personal Grid 
Edition are now available, each with the full functionality of 
Mathematica 6 and Parallel Computing Toolkit 2.1.

gridMathematica 2.2 is a complete and fully optimized environment 
for extending the power of Mathematica 6 to modern multiprocessor 
machines, clusters, grids, and supercomputers. The new version 
also integrates with many new cluster management systems through 
the updated Cluster Integration Package (available free from the 
gridMathematica website).

Mathematica Personal Grid Edition makes these same capabilities 
available for quad-core personal computing, combining five 
dedicated Mathematica kernels with a Mathematica front end and 
the high-level parallel language extensions of Parallel Computing 

In addition to Mathematica's 1,000+ new functions, 
gridMathematica 2.2 and Mathematica Personal Grid Edition also 

* Parallelization at the Mathematica language level
* Machine-independent portable code development
* Optimized support for multiprocessor machines, clusters, and 
* High-performance MathLink communication protocol optimized for 
all common configurations
* Efficient, adaptive load balancing
* Improved user-programmable scheduling
* Speculative parallelization for nondeterministic problems

Visit the gridMathematica and Mathematica Personal Grid Edition 
websites for more information, including webcasts, free training, 
and a list of supported platforms.

For gridMathematica, go to:

For Mathematica Personal Grid Edition, go to:

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