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Re: JavaView

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80322] Re: JavaView
  • From: mcmcclure at
  • Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:55:53 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f9ue73$b82$>

On Aug 15, 4:41 am, Tim Brophy <timbro... at> wrote:
> Does anyone in the group have experience with
> JavaView? I am having trouble loading it with
> Mathematica 6.

It essentially still works for me, but there are
some things you need to be aware of.
  * You get a complaint on loading about the
    WorldPlot package.  This hasn't caused any
    problems for me, although I don't think I've
    used that functionality.
  * JavaView can render graphics compatible with
    Mathematica V5 graphics, but does not (yet)
    deal with V6 extensions likely to be produced
    by many plot commands.  Mathematica 6.0 can
    produce V5 graphics however.  Simply execute
    the following:
    JavaView should now work as normal.  Hopefully,
    JavaView will be updated, but I really have no
  * If you want to use the JavaView applet to in
    include Graphics3D in a web page, then another
    option is to simply Export the graphics to JVX.

Incidentally, I'm using JavaView V 3.90 on Mac OS X.

> Anyone know anything about exporting as SWF with
> controls?

I have much less experience here, but I wouldn't be
optimistic.  Certainly, it is quite easy to export
to a Flash animation, but dynamic controls in a
Mathematica notebook can call arbitrary Mathemactica
code.  I can't imagine it is easy to translate
Mathematica to Flash.


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