MathGroup Archive 2007

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Do You Know?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80404] Do You Know?
  • From: zzzz <giarc54 at>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 05:07:51 -0400 (EDT)

When I run the program below,using Manipulate,
The larger sphere will change color depending on
the distance to the smaller sphere.However, when I use
ControllerManipulate, this color change does not occur.This behavior
happens after
Mathematica ceases to indicate that the program is running.Shouldn't
the program be running for
the sliders and the gamepad to affect the Graphics? Hey, I wouldn't
care if only the program would change the color of the sphere in the
intended way while using my gamepad(Logitech
cordless precision forPS3).I have been leaving the wireless reciever
pluged into the usb port
while trying to run both versions.How can I rewrite this program so
that the color change happens using the gamepad and
Here's the program...
DynamicModule[{x = 900, y = 900, z = 900, d = 0.00, p = 1.3, q = -2.4,
   r = 2, a = .9, va = 90 Degree, k = 0},
   Graphics3D[{PointSize[Large], Hue[a],
     Sphere[{0, 0, 0}, 200], {Hue[.8], Sphere[{x, y, z}, 50]}},
    PlotRange -> 1050, AspectRatio -> Automatic,
    BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, Axes -> True, ImageSize -> {600, 600},
    ViewPoint -> {1.3 + k, -2.4 + k, 2},
    ViewAngle ->
     Dynamic[Module[{q = ControllerState["X3"]},
       If[Abs[q] > 0.2, va += q*0.005;
        va = Clip[va, {1 Degree, 179 Degree}]];
   d = N[Sqrt[((Dynamic[x] - 0)^2) + ((Dynamic[y] -
           0)^2) + ((Dynamic[z] - 0)^2)], 3  ]],
   Dynamic[a = (N[Dynamic[d]/1000, 3])],
  Dynamic[z = z + ControllerState["Y1"]],
  Dynamic[x = x + ControllerState["Z1"]],
   y = y + ControllerState["X1"],
   If[Abs[ControllerState["X1"]] > 0.2,
    y += ControllerState["X1"]*0.05; y = Clip[y, {-974, 974}]]; y] ,
  (*Print[],  *)
  "Y1" -> {z, -1000, 1000, .01},
  "Z1" -> {x, -1000, 1000, .01},
  "Y2" -> {y, -1000, 1000, .01},
  "X3" -> {q, -3, 3, .001},
  "Y3" -> {k, -2, 2, .000001},
   TrackedSymbols -> {All}]

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