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Unicode character property (Open, Close, etc)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80441] Unicode character property (Open, Close, etc)
  • From: "厉正吉" < at>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 04:51:53 -0400 (EDT)

Dear all,

I have looked into, from which we can find that
there are properies for these characters Mathematica knows, such as
Open, Close, Infix, etc. For example, "(" Opens, and ")" Closes.

For typesetting, there are two properties called
NonBreakingBeforeLetter and NonBreakingAfterLetter.

For \[OpenCurlyQuote], it Opens, but also it should also has the
property NonBreakingAfterLetter to ensure that it is not the last
character in one line.

Is it possible for one character to have two properties, such as
NonBreakingAfterLetter + Open?

I can find any information about it in the documentation and Google. I
hope somebody here knows lots about it. Thank you.

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