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Re: Re: Using debugger in Mathematica 6 ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80469] Re: [mg80330] Re: Using debugger in Mathematica 6 ?
  • From: Chris Hill <chill at>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:06:31 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>

At 04:27 AM 8/18/2007, Alex wrote:

> > Is it possible that
> > you enabled the debugger after evaluating your code?
>Yes, that was the problem!
>Now I can step through the code. But I have one more stupid question.
>How can I see the value of the variables while stepping through the
>code ??
>That is of course essential, but I can't seem to figure it out :-(
>Many thanx,
>  Alex

Here are a few ways to inspect values:
- For symbols that are in scoping constructs such as a Module, you 
can see the values by opening the "Local Variables" groups in the 
Stack window (click on the symbol to the left of "Local Variables" to 
show a list of variables and values
- While the debugger is stopped at a breakpoint you are free to 
perform evaluations to inspect global variables (you can also modify 
the values, do computations, etc).  I usually open a scratch notebook 
for this purpose.
- You can evaluate Dynamic[var] in a scratch notebook to monitor the 
value of a particular global variable.  The output will be updated as 
you step through your code.

Chris Hill
Wolfram Research 

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