MathGroup Archive 2007

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Switching between open notebooks

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80585] Switching between open notebooks
  • From: "Yuri Kandrashkin" <spinalgebra at>
  • Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 04:28:20 -0400 (EDT)


I prefer using keyboard commands and
I dont really like the mechanism of switching between active
(selected) notebooks from FrontEnd menu. I have found a solution which
might be helpful for others.
I set keyboard shortcut "ALT-`" to rotate open notebooks which is similar to
"ALT-TAB" command of choosing active programs in Windows.
Below are steps to activate this mechanism:

1. Find the file "". You can find it path by evaluation of
the command:
2. Copy this file keeping the same directory structure into your
3. Put the following line
		Item["&Switch Windows",
			MenuEvaluator -> Automatic]
after 	the line Item["Start Windows Listing", "MenuListWindows",
The command and shortcut is optional, you can choose other combination
4. Restart Mathematica

This should activate the shortcut command "ALT-`" to swith active windows.

Unfortunately the solution isn't perfect because it uses the commands of kernel.
Please let me know if there is a better solution.

Yuri Kandrashkin, PhD - Mathematica based applications:
- Magnetic Resonance with SpinAlgebra
- Work with systems of Units

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