Re: Improper Integral & Mathematica
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg80621] Re: Improper Integral & Mathematica
- From: dimitris <dimmechan at>
- Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 23:21:57 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <faraa2$4k6$>
On 26 , 10:32, expizzai... at wrote: > Hi all ! :-) > > how to solve: > > Integrate[(e^x) / (1 + e^(2x)), {x, - Infinity, + Infinity }] > > using Mathematica? I'm trying "e^x = t" but won't work... > > TNX! In[7]:= $Version Out[7]= 5.2 for Microsoft Windows (June 20, 2005) I guess you mean E(xponential) instead of e. If so, In[8]:= Integrate[E^x/(1 + E^(2*x)), {x, -Infinity, Plus[Infinity]}] {N[%], NIntegrate[E^x/(1 + E^(2*x)), {x, -Infinity, Plus[Infinity]}]} (*check*) Out[8]= Pi/2 Out[9]= {1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963269014895} With your proposed substitution the result is also the same: In[18]:= (E^x/(1 + E^(2*x)))*Dt[x] /. x -> Log[t] /. Dt[t] -> 1 Integrate[%, {t, 0, Infinity}] Out[18]= 1/(1 + t^2) Out[19]= Pi/2 Dimitris PS Here is also a nice trick I find it useful many times. Note however that it is not pannacea, and you must be very careful when you use it. Say you indeed mean e and not E(xponential). Then the integral stays unevaluated. In[66]:= Integrate[e^x/(1 + e^(2*x)), {x, -Infinity, Plus[Infinity]}] Out[66]= Integrate[e^x/(1 + e^(2*x)), {x, -Infinity, Infinity}] However, In[67]:= Integrate[EulerGamma^x/(1 + EulerGamma^(2*x)), {x, -Infinity, Plus[Infinity]}] {N[%], NIntegrate[EulerGamma^x/(1 + EulerGamma^(2*x)), {x, -Infinity, Plus[Infinity]}]} res = %% /. EulerGamma -> e Out[67]= -(Pi/(2*Log[EulerGamma])) Out[68]= {2.858387543326428, 2.8583875434363413} Out[69]= -(Pi/(2*Log[e])) So using this nice trick (replace e with EulerGamma, evaluate the integral and return to the original parameter) we have -(Pi/(2*Log[e])) as the result. Which is valid at least for 0<e<1 as the following shows. In[72]:= res/.e\[Rule]#&/@Range[0.1,0.9,0.1] NIntegrate[(#^x)/(1+#^(2x)),{x,-Infinity,+Infinity}]&/ @Range[0.1,0.9,0.1] Out[72]= {0.682188,0.975991,1.30468,1.7143,2.26618,3.07501,4.404,7.0394,14.9088} Out[73]= {0.682188,0.975991,1.30468,1.7143,2.26618,3.07501,4.404,7.0394,14.9088}