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Re: fit a BinomialDistribution to exptl data?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80692] Re: fit a BinomialDistribution to exptl data?
  • From: Ray Koopman <koopman at>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 04:14:18 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fagso0$8ad$>

On Aug 22, 1:39 am, Gordon Robertson <agrobert... at> wrote:
> Given a list of data values, or a list of x-y data points for
> plotting the data as an empirical distribution function, how can I
> fit a BinomialDistribution to the data? The help documentation for
> FindFit shows examples in which the user indicates which function
> should be fit (e.g. FindFit[data, a x Log[b + c x], {a, b, c}, x]),
> and I've been unable to find an example in which a statistical
> distribution is being fit to data. Mathematica complains when I try the
> following with an xy list of data that specified an EDF: FindFit
> [xyvals, CDF[BinomialDistribution[n, pp], k], {n, pp}, k].
> G
> --
> Gordon Robertson
> Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
> Vancouver BC Canada

For fixed n, the maximum likelihood estimate of p is m/n, where m is
the sample mean. Then walk n up from the sample maximum until the
likelihood is maximized.

{n = 20, p = .2};  (* true parameter values *)

L = 200;  (* sample size *)

x = Total@UnitStep[p - Table[Random[],{n},{L}]]  (* sample data *)


N@{m = Mean@x, v = Variance@x}  (* sample mean & variance *)

{4.08, 3.3001}

N@{n1 = m^2/(m-v), p1 = (m-v)/m}  (* moment-based estimates *)

{21.3443, 0.191152}

GML[n_] := Exp[m*Log[m/n] + (n-m)Log[1-m/n] + Tr@Log@Binomial[n,x]/L]
           (* geometric mean likelihood, maximized w.r.t. p *)

{n2 = NestWhile[{#[[1]]+1,GML[#[[1]]+1]}&, {Max@x,GML@Max@x},
                #1[[2]] < #2[[2]]&, 2][[1]] - 1,
 p2 = N[m/n2]}  (* maximum likelihood estimates *)

{20, 0.204}

         PlotRange->All, Frame->True, Axes->None]

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