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Re: Block vs. ReplaceAll

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80713] Re: Block vs. ReplaceAll
  • From: Neil Stewart <neil.stewart at>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 02:27:12 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: Neil Stewart <neil.stewart at>

Thank you to everyone who has posted replies. Off-list, Daniel Lichtblau
from Wolfram was kind enough to help me out. His solution is below. It uses
the list of parameter values from NMinimize in a Block rather than with
ReplaceAll as would be more usual. Block evaluates more quickly than
ReplaceAll, and so is useful for bigger functions:

> f[a_,b_] := a^2 + b^2
> g[a_,b_] := Count[Table[f[a,b], {10}], 0.]
> solution = NMinimize[{f[a,b], a > 0 && b > 0}, {a, b}]

> myBlock[f_,vars_,ruls_List] := Block[vars,ruls/.Rule:>Set;Apply[f,vars]/.ruls]

> In[10]:= myBlock[g,{a,b},Last[solution]]
> Out[10]= 10

Original post below:

> Take a function f of some global variables and a function g that depends
> on f.
> f := a^2 + b^2   (* f is a function of a and b, a and b are global
> variables *)
> g := Count[Table[f, {10}], 0]   (* g in turn depends on f *)
> Solutions can be found for a and b that minimize f.
> solution = NMinimize[{f, a > 0 && b > 0}, {a, b}]
> {0., {a -> 0., b -> 0.}}
> But how is it best to use the solution?
> Block[{a = 0, b = 0}, f] (* Fast *)
> 0
> or
> f /. Last[solution] (* Slow *)
> 0
> For this trivial example obviously both are fast, but when f is non-trivial,
> Block[] is much faster.
> Further for g, only Block[] works as I intend (counting the number of times
> ten calls to f evaluate 0):
> Block[{a = 0, b = 0}, g] (* Fast and works as I intend *)
> 10
> g /. Last[solution] (* Slow, and doesn't count the number of times f is
> zero as I intended *)
> I understand why this happens: Count[] counts the fs in the table in
> symbolic form, before a and b are replaced and f is evaluated at 0.
> My question is, how is it best to take "solution" - which is a list of
> replace rules - and use it in a Block[] statement - which requires a list
> of assignments? I need the speed that Block[] gives by making replacements
> before f is evaluated. I'm keen to keep the simplicity of having model
> parametes as global variables to avoid having to pass model parameters
> explicitly to model functions as this is messy with a non-trivial model.

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