Fitting coupled differential equations to experimental data
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg83812] Fitting coupled differential equations to experimental data
- From: "Ausman, Kevin" <ausman at>
- Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 05:43:26 -0500 (EST)
I have been beating my head against a problem for several weeks now, so I'm at the point of begging for help. Please help! I have a set of coupled differential rate equations with several parameters (this is a chemical system, and these variable parameters are rate constants and initial concentrations): {DHR'[t] == -kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] + kdeD*DHR1[t], DHR1'[t] == kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] - kdeD*DHR1[t] - kox*DHR1[t], RH1'[t] == kox*DHR1[t] - kdeR*RH1[t] + kadR*RH[t]*C60[t], RH'[t] == kdeR*RH1[t] - kadR*RH[t]*C60[t], C60'[t] == -kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] + kdeD*DHR1[t] + kdeR*RH1[t] - kadR*RH[t]*C60[t], Fluorescence[t] == ScaleFactor*(RH[t] + = RH1[t]), DHR[0] == initDHR, DHR1[0] == 0, RH[0] == initRH, RH1[0] = == 0, C60[0] == initC60} My variables in this case are: variables={DHR, DHR1, RH, RH1, C60, Fluorescence} And my parameters are: {initC60,initRH,initDHR,ScaleFactor,kadD,kdeD,kox,kadR,kdeR} I can successfully create a model function at a given set of values for these parameters using NDSolve: model[kadD_?NumberQ, kdeD_?NumberQ, kox_?NumberQ, kadR_?NumberQ, kdeR_?NumberQ, initDHR_?NumberQ, initRH_?NumberQ, initC60_?NumberQ, ScaleFactor_? NumberQ] := (model[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60, ScaleFactor] = First[NDSolve[{DHR'[t] == -kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] + kdeD*DHR1[t], DHR1'[t] == kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] - kdeD*DHR1[t] - kox*DHR1[t], RH1'[t] == kox*DHR1[t] - kdeR*RH1[t] + kadR*RH[t]*C60[t], RH'[t] == kdeR*RH1[t] - kadR*RH[t]*C60[t], C60'[t] == -kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] + kdeD*DHR1[t] + kdeR*RH1[t] - kadR*RH[t]*C60[t], Fluorescence[t] == ScaleFactor*(RH[t] + RH1[t]), DHR[0] == initDHR, DHR1[0] == 0, RH[0] == initRH, = RH1[0] == 0, C60[0] == initC60}, variables, {t, 0, 7200}]]) solution = model[0.018, 0.024, 0.394, 0.024, 0.018, 0.78, 0, 0.018, 90700]; Plot[Fluorescence[t] /. solution, {t, 0, 7200}] <Graphic> I can even treat the parameters as adjustible using the Manipulate operation, plotting it with the experimental data that I want to fit: XPData := Import["C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\My \ Documents\Briefcase\Research\Kinetic Fitting with \ Mathematica\DHR123_7.PRN", "Table"] XPTime = XPData[[All, 1]]; XPFluor = XPData[[All, 2]]; Manipulate[(solution = model[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60, ScaleFactor]; Show[ListPlot[XPData], Plot[Fluorescence[t] /. solution, {t, 0, 7200}]]), {{initC60, 0.1}, 0, 1}, {{initDHR, 0.1}, 0, 1}, {{initRH, 0}, 0, 1}, {{ScaleFactor, 10000}, 0, 1000000}, {{kadD, 0.1}, 0, 1}, {{kdeD, 0.1}, 0, 1}, {{kox, 0.1}, 0, 1}, {{kadR, 0.1}, 0, 1}, {{kdeR, 0.1}, 0, 1}] What I cannot seem to do is fit this model to experimental data using FindFit, or by generating a least-squares error function and using Minimize, NMinimize, or FindMinimum. For example: FindFit[XPFluor, (Model2 = model[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60, ScaleFactor]; Fluorescence[t] /. Model2), {{initC60, 0.018}, {initDHR, 1}, {initRH, 0}, {ScaleFactor, 134000}, {kadD, 0.012}, {kdeD, 0.118}, {kox, 1}, {kadR, 0.012}, {kdeR, 0.134}}, t] generates ReplaceAll::reps errors and InterpolatingFunction::dmval errors. LSE[kadD_?NumberQ, kdeD_?NumberQ, kox_?NumberQ, kadR_?NumberQ, kdeR_?NumberQ, initDHR_?NumberQ, initRH_?NumberQ, initC60_?NumberQ, ScaleFactor_?NumberQ, XPT_?VectorQ, XPF_?VectorQ] := (LSE[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60, ScaleFactor, XPT, XPF] = (solution = model[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60, ScaleFactor]; M = Fluorescence[XPT] /. solution; Norm[XPF - M])) FindMinimum[ LSE[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60, ScaleFactor, XPTime, XPFluor], {{initC60, 0.018}, {initDHR, 1}, {initRH, 0}, {ScaleFactor, 134000}, {kadD, 0.012}, {kdeD, 0.118}, {kox, 1}, {kadR, 0.012}, {kdeR, 0.134}}] generates NDSolve::icfail, First::first, ReplaceAll::reps, and FindMinimum::nrnum errors. I have tried dozens of other formulations, and can evaluate fits one-at-a-time or by using Manipulate, and then evaluate LSE (or other formulations) one-at-a-time or by using Manipulate, but I cannot seem to get Mathematica to perform an optimization. Does anyone have an idea of how to help here? Thanks! Kevin Ausman ------------------------- Prof. Kevin Ausman Oklahoma State University Department of Chemistry 342 Physical Science Stillwater, OK 74078 Email: ausman at Office: 405-744-4330 Fax: 405-744-6007 --------------------------