V 6.01 Hyperlink Go Back Problem
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg83833] V 6.01 Hyperlink Go Back Problem
- From: Joe Sneed <jsneed at mines.edu>
- Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 04:03:44 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: Colorado School of Mines
I run V6.01 under windows XP The "Go Back" button on the tool bar does not appear to work, even though the hyperlink works/ For example, the tagged cell below appears in the .nb tag_1 test I use the Hyperlink [ label, URL] function as follows Hyperlink["tag_1", {InputNotebook[ ],"tag_1"}] which yields the button tag_1 whose underlying code is Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ PaneSelectorBox[{False->"\<\"tag_1\"\>", True-> StyleBox["\<\"tag_1\"\>", "HyperlinkActive"]}, Dynamic[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"]], BaselinePosition->Baseline, FrameMargins->0, ImageSize->Automatic], BaseStyle->"Hyperlink", ButtonData->{ NotebookObject[ FrontEndObject[ LinkObject["wst_shm", 1, 1]], 15], "tag_1"}, ButtonNote->Automatic], Annotation[#, { NotebookObject[ FrontEndObject[ LinkObject["wst_shm", 1, 1]], 15], "tag_1"}, "Hyperlink"]& ]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.405515715515625*^9}] Clicking on the button carries the cursor to the appropriate cell. But, the the "Go Back" arrow in the tool bar does not appear activated and clicking it has no apprent effect. I was able to use the "Go Back" arrow in V5.1 with no problems. Hyperlinks in legacy .nb's exhibit the same behavior when ren in V6.01 Any help much appreciated... Joe -- Joe Sneed Division of Liberal Arts and International Studies Colorado School of Mines Golden CO USA mailto:jsneed at mines.edu http://www.mines.edu/fs_home/jsneed/