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Presentations Package Announcement

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83867] Presentations Package Announcement
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 05:43:09 -0500 (EST)

I have now released the Presentations package for Mathematica Version 6.
Presentations is a follow-on package for DrawGraphics. It can be obtained at
the Mathematica page of my web site below and costs $50. Previous purchasers
of DrawGraphics have been sent email notices and may freely upgrade to
Presentations. If you are a purchaser who has changed your email address and
have not received a notice please contact me with your current address.


Presentations is a package designed to facilitate the use of Mathematica in
studying standard textbook material, in writing tutorials for students, in
research, and in using Mathematica in technical communications. Although it
started as basically a graphics package it is now being enlarged to
accommodate the many new features of Version 6 and to contain generally
useful features that might not specifically be graphics. 


A 'presentation' is my term for any display of data or information about a
scientific or mathematical concept that goes beyond simple text and


Some of the features of Presentations are:


1) Rather than treating graphics as a collection of major plot types that
are difficult to combine, Presentations treats all graphics including curves
and surfaces as graphics primitives that may be easily combined in one
drawing statement.


2) Since graphical elements are all treated as primitives they can be easily
manipulated and transformed. Routines are provided for that and the new
geometric transformation routines of Version 6 have been cast in a form
convenient for this use.


3) There is a suite of routines for generating custom ticks and grids, free
standing scales, symbolic tick scales, and polar grids to replace the usual
Cartesian axes.


4) There are 3D arrows with arrowcones that can be drawn in a number of
styles. There are routines for marking angle arcs and right angle indicators
on 2D geometrical diagrams.


5) For 2D graphics there are the LocatorDraw and LocatorLine routines that
allow the user to temporarily add locators to a graphic, position them, and
then copy the positions into a drawing statement.


6) There is provision for Text3D that allows true 3D text that rotates with
the image and hides behind surfaces.


7) There is a complete set of routines for complex function graphics. These
include primitives such as ComplexPoint, ComplexLine, ComplexText,
ComplexCurve etc., that use complex arguments instead of coordinate pairs.
In addition there are complex forms of maps, surface plots, contour plots,
density plots and domain coloring plots that use a single complex iterator.
There is a BranchArg routine that allows the user to set the branch line in
the complex plane at any angle. There is a general multifunction with memory
capability that calculates all function values and orders them to be
continuous with a previous, close-by, evaluation. There is a Riemann sphere
routine and a StereographicMap routine. There are information panel
primitives for providing numerical information along with dynamic graphics.


8) There is an IndefiniteSequences subpackage that allows the formatting of
expressions that contain ellipses to indicate skipped terms or factors in
sums, products, tables, free standing sequences and infix expressions. There
is the ability to do some operations on the expressions and to convert them
to normal Mathematica expressions.


9) The Presentations package is a natural extension of standard Mathematica;
it uses the regular Mathematica interface and in no way cuts the user off
from any regular Mathematica functions, including the regular graphics


10) Presentations is extensively documented with individual Help pages for
each function. In addition there are many extended examples showing
practical cases of graphics and extended presentations. There are three
essays on 'Writing Notebooks', 'Writing Presentations' and 'Writing
Packages' in which I try to give tips on avoiding traps and getting the most
productive use from Mathematica. One example, EllipseArea, illustrates a
style of writing notebooks that does everything actively and generates
embedded knowledge. There is a sample toy package that can be used as a
model for users who have never before written packages. There is an included
optional style sheet that, to my taste, corrects many of the deficiencies of
the WRI style sheets. Currently, the entire package contains 193 files and
occupies some 3.5 MB (without the graphics being evaluated) - a true bargain
for $50.



David Park

djmpark at



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