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2D-graph with TextListPlot command

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg73197] 2D-graph with TextListPlot command
  • From: dgokkaya at
  • Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 05:18:14 -0500 (EST)


I am new to use mathematica. I usually need to plot bar charts and
2D-graphs. Recently, I have had a problem with plotting a graph.

I am trying to plot a labeled 2D-graph with TextListPlot command.
I have 5 lists with {xi,yi,zi} pairs. "zi" values are standing for residue
numbers of a molecule starting from 1 to 67 (not a continuous serial,
there are some residues have no {xi,yi} data).

My aim is to plot this 5 lists in the same graph, with
different colors-and/or-styles(bold,italic,underline) for the residue
numbers (zi-labels).

For each list I did something like:

FontSize->14, FontSlant->"Italic", FontColor->Blue},
PlotRange->{{...},{...}}, Frame->False,  Axes->None]

plot2, plot3, plot4 are written in the same way except with different
FontColors. The last list which is called FrameList has a frame and axes:

PlotRange->{the same range}, Frame->True, FrameStyle->AbsoluteTickness[1],
FrameLabel->{"...","...", None, None}]

Everthing goes well until this step. I have each plot with their own
labels with different colors-and/or-styles(bold,italic,underline).

Afterwards, to see all these plots in the same graph I write:

PlotRange->{the same range}, Frame->True, AxesOrigin->{the same values},
FrameLabel->{StyleForm["...", FontFamily->"Helvetica", FontSize->32,
FontWeigth->"Bold", FontColor->Black],
StyleForm["...",FontFamily->"Helvetica", FontSize->32,
FontWeigth->"Bold", FontColor->Black],None,None}]

In the end, I see all labels (zi-residue numbers) in Blue and Italic, which
should be the situation only for list1 (plot1). I have tried several ways,
and looked at MathGroupArchive, I still could not solve the problem.
Different colors is working well with Plot and then PlotStyle command, but
I need to use TextListPlot and define colors for the Text.

Looking forward to hearing for any advise.

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