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Question: Plots via command-line using front-end fonts?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg73523] Question: Plots via command-line using front-end fonts?
  • From: "oshaughn" <oshaughn at>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:42:52 -0500 (EST)


I'd like to generate plots noninteractively (e.g., from a makefile,
possibly on a remote machine).  While my math kernel will definitely
produce and export EPS files  (e.g., pl = Plot[...]; Export[fname, pl,
"EPS"];), some fonts are apparently not available through the kernel
and are handled by the front end.

So I have two questions:

(1) can the kernel be made aware of the other fonts that the front end
uses, or

(2) can the front end be run *noninteractively* to produce and export
plots, or

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

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