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Kernel Quits without error message. (Was: Better recursive method?)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg72833] Kernel Quits without error message. (Was: Better recursive method?)
  • From: Johan Grönqvist <johan.gronqvist at>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 06:22:09 -0500 (EST)


When trying to modify the example given by nandan, I arrive at a short 
function that makes the Kernel quit without displaying any error or 
warning message.

With the definition

pi[0, theta_] := 0;
pi[1, theta_] := 1;
pi[i_, theta_] :=
   pi[i, theta] = N[(2i - 1)/(i - 1) Cos[theta] pi[i - 1, theta]
- i/(i - 1) * pi[i - 2, theta]]

and a high value for $RecursionLimit, I can evaluate pi[1000,1] in about 
0.06 seconds but the kernel quits when attempting pi[10000,1]. There is 
neither warning nor error, and I see the same behaviour several times. I 
have seen this both in my student version, and in my university's full 
version of mathematica 5.2 on Linux.

Thanks in advance.


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